What are some horns you will never sell?

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What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by mrdeacon »

I have some regrets... Horns I've traded and sold in the past... But now I've got some horns I'll never part with!

Do you guys have any horns you'll never sell no matter how destitute you are?

Here are my two basses I'll never sell!

The top is a Holton 169 I just picked up from Chris Stearn. (Chris the 60h is almost done!) It has an early TR180 slide and indy Brasslab valves. F/bG tuning.

The bottom is a full custom Minick bass trombone I've posted about before! J bend tuning slide, 9 1/4" Gold Brass wide throat style bell, single-bore slide. The original valves were in rough shape and I had John Sandhagen replace them with Olsen rotors! Plays like a Bach 50B and a 62H had a baby.


Granted... I might get the itch and trade the Minick one day for something equally cool but that Holton is never going away!

I'm excited to play these horns! And post about them :pant:
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by hyperbolica »

I got an Elkhart 88h when I was in 6th grade, when it was much too big for me. But I grew into it, and it's really an amazing horn. I've had more than one tech tell me it was the nicest 88 they've played. No matter what happens, I'll never sell that horn.

I think anything else is fair game, but the next lower on the list would be my Kanstul 1662i. It took me a couple of years to warm up to it, and to be honest, I did list it for sale once, in a moment of weakness. But It has kind of a special tone and vibe I like.

I think I could play anything with these two horns.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by bigbandbone »

72H no mods, 20H with 2B slide crook and short slided.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by paulyg »

Latzsch model Kuhn alto.

Impulse-bought it sight unseen from the ITJ classifieds. Literally the best trombone I've ever played. I've heard the sterling-bell Glassls are incredible too, but I'm not holding my breath for one to come up.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by AlexMcMahon »

Williams Model 9. Don’t even ask!

Bach 36 customized with a 42 tenon on the bell, Edwards 525/547 slide, Bach 36 slide with adjusted tenon, Edwards Rotary valve, Shires Bell threading (probably being converted to Edwards in the future). I also have a Custom Gb valve with middle finger activated linkage, like the 2nd valve of a bass made my Robb Phillips of Buckeye Brass in Columbus, Ohio. With all of the interchangeable parts it’s my most versatile instrument and wouldn’t bring anywhere near what I’ve invested in to it to consider selling.

Conn 88H-SGX-CL. I had one once before that was a graduation present from my grandparents and I stupidly traded off for two horns while in college (small bore jazz horn and the horn above in stock Bach 36 form). I was lucky to find someone in the past few years willing to accept some horns in trade. I’m glad I could get one in similar condition and honor the gift that I was given by my grandparents.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Kingfan »

My teacher helped King test horns and used his pull to get me into the factory to pick out my new 4B-F. George McCracken, the designer, had pulled some slides and bells off the assembly lines for me to pick through and he helped me chose the best to put together for my horn. That was in 1972 or 73. That horn got me through high school, college including a year as a performance major, over a year touring with a 3rd rate big band, and every kind of playing since. I rarely have the opportunity to play large bore tenor these days, but as long as I can play trombone, I'm never selling it.
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are still missing! :D
Greg Songer
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Bach5G »

Sooner or later I will sell all (5) of mine. Or someone - wife, sons - will.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by harrisonreed »

Meh. There's a price for anything. You think there isn't, but then that briefcase full of cash hits the table in front of you. You check it for counterfeits, for one dollar bill stacks hidden amidst the hundred dollar bills. No gps trackers either. Your lackeys nervously poke at the hidden weapons under their jackets, and they eye their counterparts across the dimly lit table. You reach for the briefcase handle...

Oh wait. Trombones? Nah, I'd sell any of mine for the right price.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by HawaiiTromboneGuy »

Same boat. There’s some horns that I’ve sold that I wish I still had, but three horns come immediately to mind that I will not sell. Williams Model 4 that belonged to Billy Byers, Williams Model 10, & Conn 70H Fuchs.

Interesting tidbits- The Model 4 is gold plated, the Model 10 is all original besides the added King-style thumbring, & the Fuchs is a special order with a yellow brass bell.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by bimmerman »

My Bach LT16M and my Edwards .525/547 setup. Lots of other horns have come and gone but those are the only ones I have sentimental value for.

I have others that I'd need to be insulted with money to sell (Bach 9, LT8G, LT16M Sterling, 16 with F valve), but those two I wouldn't ever consider selling.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Burgerbob »

Never say never.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Thrawn22 »

Ill never part with my 6H. It was my first pro horn and its been like coming home everytime i play it.

The 78H i recently bought seems like a horn you'd have to pry that from my cold dead hand.

And last but not least, my modified 71H. Only thing id let that go for is the 72H i dumbly traded to DJ.
6H (K series)
Elkhart 60s' 6H bell/5H slide
78H (K series)
8H (N series bell w/ modern slide)
71H (dependant valves)
72H bell section (half moon)
35H alto (K series)
Boneyard custom .509 tenor
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Finetales »

Yeah, I'd sell anything for the right chunk of change. They're just instruments, not people or memories that can't be replaced.

Do I love my modified 72H with independent valves? Yes, very much. But if someone came along and offered me $8k for it why on earth would I say no?
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by SwissTbone »

Hard to say...

I'd have a hard time parting with my custom Hagmann tenor and bass. But if somebody traded me a Holton 169 I may be tempted.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by FeelMyRath »

Never say never
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by harrisonreed »

FeelMyRath wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2020 6:09 am Never say never
I want to post a particular "Why I play Edwards" YouTube video in response to this so bad...
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by FeelMyRath »

harrisonreed wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2020 6:32 am
FeelMyRath wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2020 6:09 am Never say never
I want to post a particular "Why I play Edwards" YouTube video in response to this so bad...
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by elmsandr »

If you ask my wife, every horn I come near is a horn I will never sell....

But really, I seem to be accumulating project horns that get about 80% there and never complete them. Always waiting for a part or inspiration or something.

That said, I don't think I could ever part with my NY Bach 45 with a 9.5" flare. That horn is so weird and just a blast to play, I think it would be the last horn standing even though it is rarely the first choice for most gigs.

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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Bach42t »

My Yammy Black Phoenix... nooooo way I’d part with my little golden bird.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Tarkus697 »

1) The Bach 36BO my parents gave me as a gift in spring of '90 during my junior year of high school. It took me me through college jazz and wind ensembles and well beyond in assorted community bands and local symphony sub gigs. It's my favorite "do it all" horn, all I need to do is swap out the mouthpiece.

2) The Rath R2F I just picked up last fall won't be leaving anytime soon. This is a funk machine of the highest caliber. The Voght valve is so smooth and easy blowing and everything about this horn is just...right.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Vegastokc »

elmsandr wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2020 7:41 pm If you ask my wife, every horn I come near is a horn I will never sell....
Our wives might be related .... or at least facebook friends :lol:
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by WGWTR180 »

mrdeacon wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:53 pm I have some regrets... Horns I've traded and sold in the past... But now I've got some horns I'll never part with!

Do you guys have any horns you'll never sell no matter how destitute you are?

Here are my two basses I'll never sell!

The top is a Holton 169 I just picked up from Chris Stearn. (Chris the 60h is almost done!) It has an early TR180 slide and indy Brasslab valves. F/bG tuning.

The bottom is a full custom Minick bass trombone I've posted about before! J bend tuning slide, 9 1/4" Gold Brass wide throat style bell, single-bore slide. The original valves were in rough shape and I had John Sandhagen replace them with Olsen rotors! Plays like a Bach 50B and a 62H had a baby.


Granted... I might get the itch and trade the Minick one day for something equally cool but that Holton is never going away!

I'm excited to play these horns! And post about them :pant:
I have played that 169. Enjoy!
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by FullPedalTrombonist »

Honestly I think it’s only for sentimental reasons. My BAC/Olds Super is still the best Super I’ve ever played and I went through several. But I have played horns that let me stretch my legs a little more. I’d rather buy another horn than have to sell or trade my Super, though.

I haven’t played a bass trombone I liked better all around than my mess of a Frankenbass, but I have played horns that I feel have a very similar holy grail feeling when playing, just in a different way. If there’s one that’s out there that fits better and can do it all better maybe, but I can’t imagine it happening for me.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by guywiththeblacktrombone »

Bach42t wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:57 am My Yammy Black Phoenix... nooooo way I’d part with my little golden bird.
Me too!!!!!!

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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Leanit »

Everything is for sale. I've found it the best way to make money with a trombone. :-)
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by JBone »

I can't see getting rid of my Olds Recording, unless it was to replace it with another Recording that I played and happened to like better. There's really nothing else I've tried that manages the same instantaneous, notes come out almost before you manage to think them, type of response, due to the fact that about 80% of the metal on the horn is nickel silver.

My modular horns... I could see myself making substitution and/or additions to them (I'd like a standard-weight slide for the bass, and a 7-series bell for the tenor), and like everyone with a DuoGravis I'd be interested in getting my hands on at least the bell section of a SilverSonic at some point, but as far as the Olds is concerned any changes, while perhaps making it more broadly applicable, would also reduce its unique strengths.

Also, probably the least expensive trombone I've ever purchased, which just makes me less likely to want to sell it.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Leanit »

Generally on the subject of clinging to precious horns ...

A dear friend of mine has an astonishing instrument collection, including a handful of truly special horns. As he got on in age, he realized that perhaps 4 trombones in his inventory could be life-changing tools for the right 4 players, and he can really only play 1 at a time. He then told me he'd decided to part with one I'd been drooling over. He reasoned that I was a good player, young enough to get a lot of use out of it, and that we shared the same regard for the horn. We worked out a trade that clearly was better for me than him, but it gave him great joy to pass that instrument on to a friend. Every time I assemble the horn, I think of him, his kindness, and his generous way of teaching and sharing music.

When the time comes, I'll do the same thing he did, for the right player coming along behind me.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by bobroden »

Silver Bach 36b with lightweight slide, that I bought new at the factory in Elkhart in 1976. Best slide I've ever played, beautiful full sound. It's getting a bit heavy for me as I get older, but I still play it often. When it gets too heavy I switch over to my Edwards T302.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by harrisonreed »

Leanit wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:15 am Generally on the subject of clinging to precious horns ...

A dear friend of mine has an astonishing instrument collection, including a handful of truly special horns. As he got on in age, he realized that perhaps 4 trombones in his inventory could be life-changing tools for the right 4 players, and he can really only play 1 at a time. He then told me he'd decided to part with one I'd been drooling over. He reasoned that I was a good player, young enough to get a lot of use out of it, and that we shared the same regard for the horn. We worked out a trade that clearly was better for me than him, but it gave him great joy to pass that instrument on to a friend. Every time I assemble the horn, I think of him, his kindness, and his generous way of teaching and sharing music.

When the time comes, I'll do the same thing he did, for the right player coming along behind me.
What horn was it?
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by mwpfoot »

JBone wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:51 amI can't see getting rid of my Olds Recording, unless it was to replace it with another Recording that I played and happened to like better. There's really nothing else I've tried that manages the same instantaneous, notes come out almost before you manage to think them, type of response, due to the fact that about 80% of the metal on the horn is nickel silver.
I feel the same about my Olds Recording in big band, and it keeps getting better as I play and play.

So never! ... unless I find the same, but more.

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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Leanit »

harrisonreed wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:34 pm
Leanit wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:15 am Generally on the subject of clinging to precious horns ...

He then told me he'd decided to part with one I'd been drooling over.
What horn was it?
A 1930 Bach.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Hawaiyan »

I usually never let go of any horns I get my hands on, but will let go most for a price, except my Kuhnl & Hoyer BS174 "Slokar Bass" trombone. Fell in love with it as soon as played it at the store. Did not let the store clerk have it back. It's no longer manufactured by K&H and not many out there, so to me, it's very valuable! ...Of course if something comes along that plays better...
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by SwissTbone »

Hawaiyan wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:50 am I usually never let go of any horns I get my hands on, but will let go most for a price, except my Kuhnl & Hoyer BS174 "Slokar Bass" trombone. Fell in love with it as soon as played it at the store. Did not let the store clerk have it back. It's no longer manufactured by K&H and not many out there, so to me, it's very valuable! ...Of course if something comes along that plays better...
I understand. Those are great horns!
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Trav1s »

I won't say never but I have two keepers...

1969 Conn 79H with the Rotax conversion by Benn Hansson - I loved it before but the valve swap and related repairs were the icing on the cake. Love the light weight bell and heavy slide combo.

1972 Conn 80H - It is a 78H with an 8" red brass bell that was likely built early after production moved to Texas.

A Rath R3F with a Rotax could entice me to sell one or both of the above horns. 8" nickel bell, yellow side, and red brass tuning slide... oh so amazing.
Travis B.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Largobone »

I still have my first horn - a Holton 602 that was a hand-me-down from my cousin. Originally it was my home practice horn so I didn’t have to haul my rental Yamaha 354 back and forth. At the time I hated playing the Holton but since I’ve realized that it actually plays quite well. Unfortunately the bell was destroyed beyond repair a few years back and I had to replace the bell section, but the tuning slide and handslide is still all original and I might still have the remains of the original bell somewhere.

That’s about the only one I’d ever say with certainty that I would keep forever. At one point I owned a 1905 Boosey compensating euphonium that I wanted to keep forever, not because it was a player but because it was essentially the first modern euphonium and always a conversation piece when I brought it out in public. Unfortunately I had to sell it last year because I needed a better euphonium for school and the right opportunity came along to pass it on.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Arrowhead »

Olds Recording, L.A.
I also have a Fullerton.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Fidbone »

My Mid-70's King 3B

It was the first horn I bought with my paper round money back in the 70's. I stupidly sold it to buy a Conn 8H to go to the Royal College of Music and study!
Luckily I had sold it to a friend who played it until I bought it back off him 2 years ago :-)
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Vegasbound »

Times when the rent needed paying and the diary was blank, I have sold horns that I hated to part with but you got to do what you have to do
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by sacfxdx »

1961 3B Silversonic

My dad bought it from a friend when I was in junior high school. I wish I had appreciated it more at the time.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by dukesboneman »

I have a number of horns in my collection but there are 4 that I will never get rid of.
1) Bach Lt12G with a Kanstul W6 leadpipe ( amazing lead/solo horn)
2) Mount Vernon Lt36 with Edwards #2 leadpipe (if I ever had to go down to one horn - this would be it)
3) `90`s Bach 42BO with Olsen Valve (by far THE Best large bore horn I`ve ever owned or played)
4) 1928 Conn Eb Tuba
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by PSJ »

I am 61 and have started thinking do I really need all these horns. Looking at what I actually play and how often I have needed a certain size makes me think. A couple I would rather not sell but I don't think there is any one of them that would not available. I was looking for a good bass trombone when I found the one I am playing now. Might be a better one out there........

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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by BillO »

I was convinced I would never sell my King 4B. It was my 2nd King 4B and I had it since new for 34 years or so. However, a bit over 2 years ago I bought an XO brass 1236 and the King never came out of the case again. I bought the King for $800 because it had been baking in the store window for some time and the lacquer had tuned pumpkin Orange, but King (UMI) fixed that under warranty. In any case, I was offered $1200 for it last September and: a) I felt it needed to be played and b) I needed a good portable digital piano, so ... the horn I thought I would never sell got sold.

Now, if I could only sell this boat-anchor Shires I have ...
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Posaunus »

BillO wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 5:33 pm Now, if I could only sell this boat-anchor Shires I have ...

As a favor to you, I'll take the Shires off your hands for $200 USD – and I'll pay the shipping to the U.S.! ;)
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by slipmo »

I'd never part with my 1938 Conn 66H

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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by BillO »

Posaunus wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 7:57 pm
BillO wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 5:33 pm Now, if I could only sell this boat-anchor Shires I have ...

As a favor to you, I'll take the Shires off your hands for $200 USD – and I'll pay the shipping to the U.S.! ;)
That's representative of the kind of offers I'm getting. It seems the folks around my neck of the woods don't differentiate between a Shires and a Bundy. Used be used.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by JohnL »

BillO wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 6:04 amThat's representative of the kind of offers I'm getting. It seems the folks around my neck of the woods don't differentiate between a Shires and a Bundy. Used be used.
Maybe you should buy a boat and a good, stout chain.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by BillO »

JohnL wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 7:15 am Maybe you should buy a boat and a good, stout chain.
I need to sell the Shires to be able to afford the boat...
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by Oslide »

slipmo wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 11:57 pm I'd never part with my 1938 Conn 66H
That must be an exceptional horn! C'mon, give us a bit more... :o
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by patrickosmith »

Never say never ... except for ... Frank Crisafulli's Holton 168 !

I will never "sell" that. But upon my death I was considering to gift it to the CSO for use by the 2nd trombonist.
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Re: What are some horns you will never sell?

Post by imsevimse »

I sold a King 3B Bb/F in 1984 when I started at the accademy because I had no use, and then I sold another King 3B and a Conn 8h around 2003 after I got out of work. I've had a good steady job now the last 12 years. In 2013 I became a collector. Many have asked me if I have got any for sale, but no. No trombone is for sale because I find joy in every one of them. If I start to sell it is probably because I think I'm becoming to old or to sick to play them, that's when they have to go.

I guess my Bach 36BO is the one I bring on most classical gigs and the Yamaha 891Z is my most played horn for jazz. My most used bass might be the Kanstul 1662. I guess those three will be the ones I miss the most when they are gone.

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