Flute and bass bone duet?

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Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by Elow »

Anyone know of a good duet for trombone and flute? I can transpose parts, but its probably a challenge to not overpower the flute if its originally written for clarinet and flute or something
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by Mamaposaune »

I think there is a duet called "The Elephant and the Fly" written for flute and tuba/bass bone.
Sorry I don't remember more, but a quick search should get you an answer
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by BGuttman »

Quinto Maganini wrote something called "The Boa Constrictor and the Bobolink" which is nominally for flute and tuba, but can be played on bass trombone. I played this with a flute playing friend once.
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by harrisonreed »

My favorite duet for tenor trombone and piccolo happens about 5 minutes into the motorbike concerto. One of the weirdest yet musical moments in a piece written for trombone.

Edit ... It happens exactly at 5:00 in lol!
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by Bassclefstef »

Carter Pann wrote a duet for alto saxophone and bass trombone that he later adapted for flute and bass trombone
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by IanDeterlingComposer »

Here is one!

It is a three-movement duet. The instrumentation is flexible - but flute/bass trombone is one of the possible combinations!
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by MrHCinDE »

It might be worth looking through what’s out there for bassoon and flute or cello and flute.

It’s a while ago but my euphonium teacher, at the time, used to play some gigs with euphonium, flute and piano. I’m pretty sure they borrowed stuff from bassoon/cello and flute that should also work with bass trombone. I’ll have a dig through my music archive and see what I can find.
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by baileyman »

I just heard on the radio a bit from Scooby-Doo, music for Velma, bass trombone and flute duet.
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by JCBone »

IanDeterlingComposer wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:33 pm Here is one!

It is a three-movement duet. The instrumentation is flexible - but flute/bass trombone is one of the possible combinations!
I was just about to recommend your piece.
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by IanDeterlingComposer »

JCBone wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:50 pm
IanDeterlingComposer wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:33 pm Here is one!

It is a three-movement duet. The instrumentation is flexible - but flute/bass trombone is one of the possible combinations!
I was just about to recommend your piece.
Thanks!!!! :hi: :hi: :hi:
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by ronnies »

Neilsen Flute Concerto. :-D

Shires Tru-Bore (Bb/F/Gb/D)
Bach Stradivarius 42 (unlacquered bell)
Excel Bb/F/Gb/D (Chinese made Yamaha YBL-613G clone)
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by StephenK »

While not a duet as such, there's some interplay between flute and bass trombone in the Nielsen flute concerto. ( There isn't much other brass!)
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by Bassclefstef »

I've heard Randy Hawes play Leonard Bernstein's 'Dream With Me,' from Peter Pan, as a trio for soprano, bass trombone, and piano a few times, (it's originally soprano, cello, and piano) and I bet that would make a really cool trio with flute instead of voice. I'm not sure where it's published, you may have to do a little leg work to track it down.

My wife and I play a set of Brahms songs together pretty often- the Zwei Gesange, Op. 91, originally for viola, alto, and piano. She plays viola, I play the voice part down an octave. The viola part may work on flute, played up an octave, but you'd also have to mess around with double stops too. It may ultimately be a little too far away from the original, but they're lovely pieces, it's probably worth a try. Here's a link to the piece on IMSLP:

https://imslp.org/wiki/2_Ges%C3%A4nge%2 ... Johannes)

You could also look into some of the duets and trio stuff that Danei Schnyder has written for himself and Dave Taylor- some of them are for flute already, and most of the soprano saxophone stuff would probably work fine on flute. Get ready for lots of notes, though!
StephenK wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:25 am While not a duet as such, there's some interplay between flute and bass trombone in the Nielsen flute concerto. ( There isn't much other brass!)
This is such a cool piece! The story I've heard about it is that in the orchestra where the flautist Nielsen wrote it for was a member, there was also a trombonist who would try to imitate the flute player's warm-up exercises before rehearsals. Nielsen heard this at rehearsals, wrote the interactions into the concerto to reference that. I'm not sure if that's true or not though, anyone else heard that story?
-Stefan Stolarchuk
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by StephenK »

This is such a cool piece! The story I've heard about it is that in the orchestra where the flautist Nielsen wrote it for was a member, there was also a trombonist who would try to imitate the flute player's warm-up exercises before rehearsals. Nielsen heard this at rehearsals, wrote the interactions into the concerto to reference that. I'm not sure if that's true or not though, anyone else heard that story?
The story I was told when my orchestra played it was that the flautist and the bass trombonist were going through a difficult break up.
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by Konstantin »

Ksenia Praslova "Music for piano, flute and trombone"(1991)

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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by MBurner »

You can use any trombone/trumpet arrangement, and either play a C part in the flute or transpose. My wife and I have played Ewazen’s Pastoral many times for churches. Same for Violin/Cello, Flute/Bassoon, etc. Choro music will build your technique!!
Additionally, we’ve done some Handel- Music for the birthday of Queen Mary, Trumpet shall sound, etc. One plays the vocal part, the other the trumpet part, and it’s quite thrilling.
Finally, some spousal promotion, I’m married to a rather gifted arranger and performer. If you have a piece you need written for trombone and treble instrument, she’s a monster musician.
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Re: Flute and bass bone duet?

Post by Savio »

I think there is possible to take lot of baroque music and transform to bass trombone and flute. Romantic music is maybe harder but also there it should be possibilities.

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