Is a tenor in a bass case safe

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Is a tenor in a bass case safe

Post by Peacemate »

I'm wondering since I am considering buying a Bonna bass and tenor double case, but don't currently own a bass. I would however like to bring 2 trombones with me either way, and basically I just want to know if it is safe to stuff a tenor trombone in the case of a bass trombone.
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Re: Is a tenor in a bass case safe

Post by Burgerbob »

Usually, yes. Any reason you want to get the Bonna case (which is quite good, no knocks on that) over a double gig bag? The Bonna is good but very large and heavy, not great for taking horns around town.

I can't remember exactly how the Bonna double holds horns, but the other cases are generally fine to put tenors in.
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Re: Is a tenor in a bass case safe

Post by Peacemate »

Here in Europe that is the only thing I can get without ordering overseas, which would involve all the import duties and shipping for a trombone-sized box.

I also use the bus as my main form of transport, and feel that the people around me cannot be trusted with a larger gigbag than what I already have. Wouldn't be too opposed to a cheaper European option to become availible near me though :wink:
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Re: Is a tenor in a bass case safe

Post by Burgerbob »

I'm not sure I would take one on the bus, just because they're soooo big! But if that's the option, I'd say you're pretty safe.
Aidan Ritchie, LA area player and teacher
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Re: Is a tenor in a bass case safe

Post by BGuttman »

Having ridden in a couple of European buses, though not recently, I would suspect that you should be OK as long as the bus is not too crowded -- the case will be almost as large as another person.

You could put a Symphonic tenor in teh bass side, but I'd be concerned if the tenor was a small one.
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Re: Is a tenor in a bass case safe

Post by Elow »

I have a double bass cronkhite case that i use for bass and tenor
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Re: Is a tenor in a bass case safe

Post by mbtrombone »

You can put a tenor in the bass case, but you might have to fiddle around with the padding and add some extra padding in the case to make sure the bell section is snug. I used my Bass Bona case everyday for three years while taking public light rail and busses in San Francisco, it is big if you leave it on your back while riding and I did hit a few people. The worst was when I knocked someone over with the case when we came to a hard stop because the bus got cut off. She was ok, but kind of pissed. Stuff happens though whenever you are riding public transit!

Good Luck!
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Re: Is a tenor in a bass case safe

Post by Cotboneman »

mbtrombone wrote: Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:08 pm You can put a tenor in the bass case, but you might have to fiddle around with the padding and add some extra padding in the case to make sure the bell section is snug. I used my Bass Bona case everyday for three years while taking public light rail and busses in San Francisco, it is big if you leave it on your back while riding and I did hit a few people. The worst was when I knocked someone over with the case when we came to a hard stop because the bus got cut off. She was ok, but kind of pissed. Stuff happens though whenever you are riding public transit!

Good Luck!
:lol: That reminds me of when I was a college student commuting to classes at DePaul University on public transportation in the 1970's. I do recall slamming into a fellow passenger's face with a euphonium and bass trombone case on a hard bus stop. Poor guy! He was okay and took it good naturedly. Today it would probably have resulted in gunfire!
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