Starting Over

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Starting Over

Post by Pistolero »

I am 63 years old. I had a successful military career and then worked in the MIC until I fully retired. Through High School and College I was an accomplished Trombonist. All the High School accolades and then in college I studied Trombone with a well known at that time Professor of Trombone for 2 years. I kept playing after college but in my early 30s just laid my horn down and quit playing. Military deployments, raising a family, it just got away from me.
I am now fully retired, plenty of time on my hands and I want to renew my horn playing. I have ran through a few elementary books, working scales just to get my chops started in the right direction.
Looking for advice and recommendations to get me back to the level I was in college. I am working towards getting back into Rochut Melodius Etudes. I welcome advice from novice and Pro, young and old. Thanks in advance
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Re: Starting Over

Post by hyperbolica »

One of the best things you can do to stay motivated is to find some friends to play with. Community concert and jazz bands are cool, but trombone duets, quartets, tbone choir I think will help and challenge you more on your instrument.

I had also put the horn down and picked it up after career requirements eased up. I did the same sort of stuff you're doing, but then I started just playing songs from the real book, or a Sinatra collection, Beatles books, Broadway, anything just to play. It's so good to play from memory or by ear.

There have been great advancements in "smart" music applications that can lay down an accompaniment while you play the melody. Stuff like Band In a Box. iRealPro, Garage Band, etc. You can also take up making recordings, writing music, so many things are a lot easier these days with the tools available. Check some of that out and see if your interests lead you somewhere.
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Re: Starting Over

Post by Posaunus »

I too was a lapsed trombonist, who set music aside (other than listening) for decades before tentatively resuming several years ago.

The second-best thing I did was to start playing with others - one small step at a time. The best thing was to retire, and join every group / ensemble that would have me. Within a couple of years (pre-pandemic) I was playing somewhere almost every day (thanks to an understanding wife). And constantly learning and improving. Can't wait for it all to re-start!
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Re: Starting Over

Post by Kingfan »

After a long layoff, I went back to square one with fundamentals. Emory Remington's "The Complete Warmups" is a good start.
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are still missing! :D
Greg Songer
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Re: Starting Over

Post by lupusargentus »

I'm also returning after many years away. Best thing I did was start taking lessons again. Found a localish (bit of a drive) college prof who understands what my goals are and is willing to accept slower progress than his music majors. He really helped me reestablish a good, methodical practice routine and troubleshoot any technique issues. Precovid I did an hour lesson about every six weeks.
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Re: Starting Over

Post by Vegasbound »

Invest in some lessons, I returned after a 10 year break and that speeded up m return and more
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Re: Starting Over

Post by PaulT »

Buy a new horn! A little one if you have a big one, a big one if you have a little one.

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Re: Starting Over

Post by skeletal »

Play stuff you enjoy. That's the best way to stay motivated. After that, you'll start building technique out of necessity to play the music you want to.
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Re: Starting Over

Post by LeTromboniste »

As a community band conductor I directed several musicians in your situation, and I will say that 100% the best thing you can do is have regular lessons with a good teacher. Those who did that were visibly improving from every rehearsal where I saw them to the next. Those who didn't take lessons were improving at a much, much slower rate.
Maximilien Brisson
Lecturer for baroque trombone,
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Re: Starting Over

Post by patrickosmith »

I have a lot of experience in "starting over." You already got a lot of good advice. My additional two cents:
* Your daily schedule should include a morning session (30 to 45 minutes) focusing on fundamentals
* Don't overplay. Your lips should always feel fresh
* Get a lesson with Doug Elliott as soon as possible; don't delay

And this is what probably helped me the most ... watch this TED Talk:
"How to get better at the things you care about" ... care_about
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