Orchestra restart

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Orchestra restart

Post by stewbones43 »

We have received an email from the secretary of our local amateur (community) orchestra telling us that we are due to start back with a first rehearsal on June 3rd and a concert on July 10th :good: :D :biggrin: At last, after over a year of playing on my own, we can at last get together and play something. Then I checked the pieces; Haydn Symphony No.92, Mozart Symphony No.40 and Schubert Symphony No.4. No trombones in any of them :weep: :x

Trombones and Tuba will have to wait until September when we will be rehearsing Brahms Tragic Overture, Elgar Cello Concerto and Dvorak Symphony No.8 so another 6 months of rehearsing on my own (Tune a Day Book 2 now) I should have taken up the Viola.


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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by BGuttman »

We (my Community Orchestra) are looking at what we can do to restart. Right now the question is academic since we aren't allowed in our rehearsal hall. Our first efforts may be strings only since you can play with a mask on. Still, how much audience can you get when most of the ears won't want to go in a large crowd either.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by sf105 »

I've been considering arranging some brass sessions while the strings get on with it. I figure a quintet is less than 6 people and we could squat a park bandstand.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by LeoInFL »

Our community orchestra has been rehearsing since the end of Feb (distanced of course). Probably 1/4 of the 160+ musicians have been attending in person(including me). Several attend online. I think our concert is in June and I think they're calling it "The Year that Wasn't". We're playing pieces we never got around to performing: 1812, James Bond, Sleigh Ride, Wonder Woman, Hoe Down, Shaker Melody, Olympic Fanfare, etc.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by BGuttman »

sf105 wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:44 pm I've been considering arranging some brass sessions while the strings get on with it. I figure a quintet is less than 6 people and we could squat a park bandstand.
Before the weather changed, we had some Big Band rehearsals outdoors (September, 2020).

Some players in my orchestra did an outdoor taping of a Horn Quintet (string quartet plus French Horn) which we shared with our fan base.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by StephenK »

No sign of my orchestra having complete in-person playing as yet, esp with brass, though another is getting set for sectionals, and another has me booked for an outdoor proms in July. Some big band gigs in the pipeline, indoor and outdoor, but I'm not holding my breath. May well get cancelled if things start to go backwards.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by ronnies »

No sign of anything happening with any orchestras in Edinburgh. :-(

Pretty annoyed that 'religious gatherings' are allowed though !! Sigh...

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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by EdwardSolomon »

sf105 wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:44 pm I've been considering arranging some brass sessions while the strings get on with it. I figure a quintet is less than 6 people and we could squat a park bandstand.
My orchestra isn't restarting until November. We were supposed to start in June, but the university where we rehearse and perform decided now would be a good time to completely refurbish the concert hall. Why this couldn't have been done over the past 12 months is beyond me.

Meanwhile, I have busied myself transcribing some British works for symphonic brass ensemble. I figure that with a group of maybe 25-30 people, it will be simpler to organise rehearsals and performance, rather than risk something larger, such as choirs, brass bands and orchestras.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by sf105 »

EdwardSolomon wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 3:19 am
sf105 wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:44 pm I've been considering arranging some brass sessions while the strings get on with it. I figure a quintet is less than 6 people and we could squat a park bandstand.
My orchestra isn't restarting until November. We were supposed to start in June, but the university where we rehearse and perform decided now would be a good time to completely refurbish the concert hall. Why this couldn't have been done over the past 12 months is beyond me.

Meanwhile, I have busied myself transcribing some British works for symphonic brass ensemble. I figure that with a group of maybe 25-30 people, it will be simpler to organise rehearsals and performance, rather than risk something larger, such as choirs, brass bands and orchestras.
Good idea. Not least because many venues that used to take an orchestra are only taking reduced ensembles for now. But I did notice that the summer opera companies are selling tickets.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by PaulT »

Our community band started up two weeks ago. We are spread out some and have to use bell coverings (which I detest).

Our "Second Winds" band starts up next week. I don't expect we will need to use bell coverings as everyone in Second Winds is fully shot up.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by vetsurginc »

One local pops orchestra has asked if we would come back sans pay to start. The town has been hit hard by the close down so no extra money. Most, if not all (include me), have said yes. If they can provide the hall I'm more than happy to help promote the orchestra and hopefully get our audience back.

Two big bands plan start ups August and September. Broward College ran a spaced small group symphonic band fall of 2020 and this spring. I'm sure they will start again in August, maybe with a larger group.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by nameisbryan »

One of the orchestras I play in started last weekend. We're in an outdoor theater with the winds/brass/percussion on stage, 12 feet apart, and the strings/conductor below the stage, 6 feet apart. I'm playing bass tbn on one side of the stage and the nearest horn player is about 75 feet away. It's fun to play in person again, but definitely a different experience than playing inside of a live hall where you can hear the strings.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by BGuttman »

One of the summer bands I have been playing with has announced that they will have a summer season this year. If you are in or near Concord, NH you can listen. Unfortunately I won't be able to join them since I can't drive (due to medical issues).
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Mikebmiller »

My big band has tentatively made plans to start rehearsing on May 11th. We can't use our regular venue, so we are going to a church social hall. My concert band is still locked out of our rehearsal space, so the board has made a rather interesting decision to do 2 of our regular Sunday outdoor concerts on 1 rehearsal each, with the rehearsal taking place in the afternoon just before the concert. The plan is to play easy music that we have done before, so I am hoping we can pull it off. A high percentage of people in that group have not played in over a year. I tried keeping the interest up with a few of those group videos, but only about 25% of the band participated.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by MrHCinDE »

I don’t know when we‘ll be starting rehearsals but I just heard the concert planning for March 2022 has started and Brahms 1 will be on the programme. Can‘t wait!
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Kingfan »

The concert band I play in is planning to start up mid-June at the church we have been rehearsing at for years. They have a large outdoor shelter if needed. The big band rehearses at a nursing home, and the leader hasn't found any alternative places, so no idea when we'll play together again.
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are still missing! :D
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by JohnL »

First rehearsal tonight. Vaccination required. At least a couple of the trombonists are opting out for that reason.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Posaunus »

Tonight's our first big band rehearsal since February 2020. Vaccinations required to enter the building. Unfortunately, I can't be there - I'm 2,500+ miles away visiting family for the first time in 1½ years, so I had to send a sub. :weep: Can't wait to return home and start playing again with the band! Orchestra & other ensembles probably not until September. Drat! :shuffle:
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by harpo »

In my orchestra we're planning to restart the full orchestra in June (subject to everything being okay with the latest variant). And then in earnest in September for a concert in November. June/July will very much be finding out where we are musically - i.e. how many people haven't touched their instruments since March 2020!! (Certainly some, but I think very few)

We've also had a couple of brass sectionals where we played through An American in Paris, The Threepenny Opera Suite, an arrangement of La Boheme. We've got one more of those, and if there are delays to fully opening then potentially more than one. We were very lucky in that our venue was open to us continuing to use the hall, subject to being "covid secure", etc. (Wind and strings have also had their go)

I've also just set up a brass quintet playing arrangements symphonies by Mahler, Dvorak, and Bruckner, etc.! (They exist!!!!) We've been meeting on a sheep farm!

Lockdown has certainly been an eye opener to some great music!!

PS: If anyone would be up for a trombone choir, we could meet. I'm almost in the (UK) SW There are some arrangements of Mahler and Bruckner adagios. And there are Szeged Ensemble arrangements, as well (I'm sure) as many others.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by marccromme »

My brass band and my big band started up this week. I decided to wait 14 days till my first vaccination is matured, I get it tomorrow. Never anticipated a needle more than now. Oh happy days!
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by EdwardSolomon »

I've managed to organise a rehearsal on 31 May to bash through the new transcriptions I've created for symphonic brass and percussion ensemble. It's been tedious dealing with all the mandatory COVID secure policy compliance paperwork, but it will be worth it in the end. Hopefully it will be a thing of the past after 21 June, when things in the UK are supposed to reopen fully without any face coverings or social distancing requirements.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by WGWTR180 »

ronnies wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:36 am No sign of anything happening with any orchestras in Edinburgh. :-(

Pretty annoyed that 'religious gatherings' are allowed though !! Sigh...

Do they play wind and brass instruments with masks on and bell covers at religious services?
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by timothy42b »

WGWTR180 wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 6:10 am
ronnies wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:36 am No sign of anything happening with any orchestras in Edinburgh. :-(

Pretty annoyed that 'religious gatherings' are allowed though !! Sigh...

Do they play wind and brass instruments with masks on and bell covers at religious services?
In my denomination, no. No wind instruments are allowed at this time. I've been leading a handbell group.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by StephenK »

harpo wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 11:35 am We've also had a couple of brass sectionals where we played through An American in Paris, The Threepenny Opera Suite, an arrangement of La Boheme. We've got one more of those
Hope to join you on the next sectional!
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by RoscoTrombone »

EdwardSolomon wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 5:18 am I've managed to organise a rehearsal on 31 May to bash through the new transcriptions I've created for symphonic brass and percussion ensemble. It's been tedious dealing with all the mandatory COVID secure policy compliance paperwork, but it will be worth it in the end. Hopefully it will be a thing of the past after 21 June, when things in the UK are supposed to reopen fully without any face coverings or social distancing requirements.
You mention the UK as a whole but those of us in Scotland are beating a different drum and it seems it will take forever before wind/brass are on the go again certainly inside anyway.

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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Burgerbob »

Got an actual orchestra gig coming up, outside and distanced. Can't wait!
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by ronnies »

RoscoTrombone wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 1:45 pm
EdwardSolomon wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 5:18 am I've managed to organise a rehearsal on 31 May to bash through the new transcriptions I've created for symphonic brass and percussion ensemble. It's been tedious dealing with all the mandatory COVID secure policy compliance paperwork, but it will be worth it in the end. Hopefully it will be a thing of the past after 21 June, when things in the UK are supposed to reopen fully without any face coverings or social distancing requirements.
You mention the UK as a whole but those of us in Scotland are beating a different drum and it seems it will take forever before wind/brass are on the go again certainly inside anyway.

I've not even heard any of the orchestras I'm involved in starting string rehearsals.

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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by FOSSIL »

The pro orchestras in the UK are pretty much all at work but almost all purely involved in recording. Audio and video recordings are happening.....hour after hour of takes and retakes....oh for an audience and a single run through. Still, work is a lot better than no work.

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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by WGWTR180 »

timothy42b wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 7:38 am
WGWTR180 wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 6:10 am

Do they play wind and brass instruments with masks on and bell covers at religious services?
In my denomination, no. No wind instruments are allowed at this time. I've been leading a handbell group.
Yes that was my point to ronnies. Church services and orchestra rehearsals-apples and oranges.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by ronnies »

WGWTR180 wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 5:19 am
timothy42b wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 7:38 am

In my denomination, no. No wind instruments are allowed at this time. I've been leading a handbell group.
Yes that was my point to ronnies. Church services and orchestra rehearsals-apples and oranges.
Yes but it was more a point that religious gatherings were allowed indoors and yet string rehearsals were not (they may be now?). There are more instruments in an orchestra than wind and brass.

I don't see why 'religious gatherings' should get preference.

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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by StephenK »

Religious gatherings are now allowed in England, but with restricted numbers, distancing, masks, no mixing, and other protocols, and no congregational singing. So a bit far from normal. Similar for organised music groups, except choirs.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by WGWTR180 »

ronnies wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 5:48 am
WGWTR180 wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 5:19 am

Yes that was my point to ronnies. Church services and orchestra rehearsals-apples and oranges.
Yes but it was more a point that religious gatherings were allowed indoors and yet string rehearsals were not (they may be now?). There are more instruments in an orchestra than wind and brass.

I don't see why 'religious gatherings' should get preference.

Then with all due respect you just don't get it. And your use of "" mean you're eluding to something else or questioning their validity.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by ronnies »

WGWTR180 wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 8:16 am
Then with all due respect you just don't get it. And your use of "" mean you're eluding to something else or questioning their validity.
Don't get what? I am merely pointing out that I don't think they should be allowed to start and not other gatherings.

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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by WGWTR180 »

ronnies wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 12:58 pm
WGWTR180 wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 8:16 am
Then with all due respect you just don't get it. And your use of "" mean you're eluding to something else or questioning their validity.
Don't get what? I am merely pointing out that I don't think they should be allowed to start and not other gatherings.

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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by sf105 »

London seems to be waking up. We went to see the LSO and I've done one play-day. It's still baby-steps and can still be reversed if the numbers get worse.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by RustBeltBass »

The US scene is definitely waking up. Baby steps, sure, but it seems to be going pretty well from what I see and hear from friends and colleagues.

What I am really curious about is to see what longer lasting effects the pandemic will have on the musical scene once it is really over and in the past, which could be soon-ish.

Will orchestras be busier than ever in trying to make up missed shows ? (one of my contracted groups is putting a lot of the 20-21 season now into the summer months)

Will orchestras have a very hard time financially?

Really no idea what’s going to happen. Hoping for the best.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Mikebmiller »

Well my community band pulled off a pretty decent Memorial Day concert this past weekend on one rehearsal. I was really scared that we were going to stink up the place, but apparently enough people practiced that we made it though. And my big band has been going for a few weeks now with our first show this coming Sunday.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Bach5G »

Have most people been practicing or are they rusty and out of shape?
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Mikebmiller »

Bach5G wrote: Fri Jun 04, 2021 2:30 pm Have most people been practicing or are they rusty and out of shape?
I can't speak for most people, but I have been trying to play at least 3 or 4 times a week during all this. Sometimes it's hard to get motivated though.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Burgerbob »

Had my first rehearsal back with a group I play with regularly with. This time it's a ballet production with some top notch dancers, all outside in a parking lot. It was a great time!!
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by mahlertwo »

Mikebmiller wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:49 pm
Bach5G wrote: Fri Jun 04, 2021 2:30 pm Have most people been practicing or are they rusty and out of shape?
I can't speak for most people, but I have been trying to play at least 3 or 4 times a week during all this. Sometimes it's hard to get motivated though.
I actually started practicing way more. Something had to fill the hole where my social life went. Now that we're mostly back, I've managed to hang onto that momentum.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Bach5G »

Two rehearsals - Brahms 3, Merry Wives overture - so far. It sounds like everyone practiced during the lockdowns. To my ears the orchestra sounds better than ever.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by JohnL »

The community bands I play in have been doing concerts through the summer, but last night was the first performance for the community orchestra.
Brahms; Academic Festival Overture
Beethoven; Romance No. 2 in F Major
Schubert; 8th Symphony Unfinished
Schubert; Overture to Rosamunde

It went pretty well (at least no blood was shed). The concert was in a 1920's-era outdoor amphitheater that seats about 2000 (we drew maybe a little over 200, so plenty of room for social distancing). That's one thing I'm seeing in this COVID-impacted climate - people are rediscovering some nice old outdoor concert venues that were largely forgotten.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Cotboneman »

Our Civic Orchestra began rehearsals about the second week of September for the first of ten concerts on October 23-24. In order to keep numbers in one rehearsal space for a 67 member orchestra to a minimum they are reducing forces as called for during the two hour rehearsal period. Full orchestra for the Poet and Peasant Overture, Beethoven-sized orchestra for the Triple Concerto, and finally chamber-sized for Dvorak's Serenade for Winds. They ask members to leave once their work is done for the night, which means the low brass is in the room for no more than 40 minutes. All strings must mask, and winds when not playing.

I'm not sure how that scheme will work for the early December concerts, which will feature Dvorak 9, The Cowboys Overture and Candide Overture. The orchestra will also be performing four full Nutcracker dates around Christmas, so there will be some close in work in a smallish pit, which is a concern to me. For the record no one is playing this year who has not been vaccinated.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Mikebmiller »

I had the pleasure of attending the Pittsburgh Symphony's first full concert since COVID on the 24th. I combined that with a 2 day bike ride on the GAP trail. They were checking vax cards at the door and requiring masks. The string players were masked. The concert was about 80% full. The orchestra killed it with the Ravel Piano Concerto and Tchaik 4.
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Re: Orchestra restart

Post by Cotboneman »

Bach5G wrote: Fri Jun 04, 2021 2:30 pm Have most people been practicing or are they rusty and out of shape?
I was fortunate to live near a retirement community that has a lot of old guys like me who play trombone. We played pandemic garage trombone trios, quartets and quintets all last year. I also played through all of the Rochut, Concone, Blazevich and Voxman Selected Studies during 2021 on tenor, bass and euphonium, so I was probably in the best shape ever when we started in September.
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