Quote from: cmillar on Apr 07, 2017, 07:32AMQuestion for you BA 11C users:
I'm wondering how the rim feels (in diameter, width, subjective feel, etc.) compared to the following pieces you may or may not be familiar with while in your travels.
Does it feel like it's in the same diameter range as the pieces listed below? (...give or take a .mm)
(...just following up on MonkeyMan's great posts from a couple of months ago....)
I can use the following mouthpieces quite well, and can switch between them on my old Bach 16 (brass slide/16M bell):
- Stork T2 lightweight (rim feels thinner and rounder; has good balanced air flow into horn in all ranges)
- Warburton 12M / T4 (rim feels flatter than Stork; has good airflow in all ranges)
- Schilke 47B (rim feels similar to Warburton, but a touch larger; good air flow)
- Yamaha 46C2 (rim is very comfy like Warburton, not too round; air flow can get stuffy)
- Bach 11C (comfy rim, could never get great attacks; air will back up in high range)
- Bach 7C (comfy rim, more rounded than the Warburton; good air flow but gets stuffy as lips warm up)
Each mouthpiece has a distinct sound to it. Big band section mates like my sound on the Stork the best on my particluar horn when I play lead.
I know.... I should just buy one and try it...
Any comparisons are most welcome! Thanks all.
It feels noticeably smaller than a Stork T2, to me. Bigger than a 12M, but which 12M? The pre-fire ones are a lot bigger...
The Reeves measures at exactly .98 inches.
It doesn't "accept" as much air as a Warburton or Stork but compresses more evenly for me. By that I mean to say it controls itself in all dynamic ranges and ranges better than other mouthpieces. It just sounds nice no matter what I do with it.
A lot of players also like my sound on a Stork in a section, even moreso on a Marcinkiewicz Ulyate model, but when I solo... the Reeves wins all day every day. Warburton is a good combination between both, although some players like the "fat" Reeves lead sound too.