Aladdin (Broadway Book)

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Aladdin (Broadway Book)

Post by Jhereg »

Anybody here ever played the Broadway book for Aladdin?

If so, I'm curious for the following:

- What's the LOWEST the tenor trombone is asked to play?
- Are there any trombone solos or features? (I'm listening to the soundtrack now and have heard some small ones but no actual solos yet).
- Overall just what's it like? The music sounds fun but challenging. Were there any parts that you found especially difficult or exciting?

Much thanks for any feedback.
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Re: Aladdin (Broadway Book)

Post by flotrb »

I played 16 performances of this book at the Orpheum Theatre-Memphis, February 25 — March 8, 2020
One tenor/bass trombone book. Fast horn/style changes
(Real tenor trombone part! Real bass trombone part!)
Tenor highest note: "A4" I would suggest .500" tenor w/Bach7
Bass lowest note: "F#1" Bass can easily be played with single rotor w/Bach 1½G
Mutes Tenor: Cup, straight, plunger, Solotone; Bass: Cup, straight

This is from the show's tech rider: Trombone (50%), Bass trombone (50%) – must be a strong versatile player, equally adept on both horns, with polished classical and commercial skills, and a strong swing. Tenor is predominantly mid-range, but includes some extended sections in the upper register. Bass is often written in pedal register, and demands strength and agility throughout the instrument’s range.

I thoroughly enjoy playing this book. Lots of work and lots of fun!
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Re: Aladdin (Broadway Book)

Post by Jhereg »

Oh great! Thank you!!

The email that I got said “tenor with possibly a bit of bass”, so for audition purposes I’m going to take this person at their word on that haha. I don’t have a bass right now, but do have a Bach 42 which may be acceptable if they send some low stuff.

I’m glad to hear you say “.500 w/Bach 7” because that’s exactly what I play, albeit a Warburton 12M (that’s a Bach 7 equivalent). I’d love to keep playing what I’m used to if possible.

This is really great information, thank you to the max. I owe you one.

Also I was just at the Orpheum recently and picked up the Cast Party cookbook! Great theater!
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