I'm currently analyzing lots of solo jazz trombone recordings (like really solo, no accompany at all) and I wonder if there are any more recommendations and hints besides of what I'll list you below

Solo trombone recordings: (albums)
Albert Mangelsdorff - Trombirds
Albert Mangelsdorff - Tromboneliness
Albert Mangelsdorff - Albert Mangelsdorff Solo
Albert Mangelsdorff - Purity
George Lewis - The Solo Trombone Record
Conny Bauer - Der gelbe Klang
Conny Bauer - Live im Völkerschlachtdenkmal
Conny Bauer - Hummelsummen
Conny Bauer - Konrad Bauer Solo
Conny Bauer - Das flüchtige Glück
Conny Bauer - Toronto Töne
Ed Neumeister - One and Only
Nils Wogram - Bright Lights
Samuel Blaser - 18 Monologue Elastiques
Samuel Blaser - Solo Bone
Günter Christmann - Solo (Solomusiken für Posaune und Kontrabass)
Paul Rutherford - The Gentle Harm of the Bourgeoisie
Paul Rutherford - Solo in Berlin 1975
to be continued...
Are there solo recordings of Vinko Globokar? I know it's not improvised and more classical, but I would be interested in that as well. Thanks again!