Bass Trumpet Case Help

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Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by PVH »

I recently bought a Melton/Meinl Weston Eb Bass Trumpet with 4 rotary valves from a trumpet player colleague. It is currently sitting in his Cronkhite Trumpet/Flugel double case (that he would like to have back at some point). This case is also doesn’t fit the instrument very well.

I am interested in purchasing a case for this instrument. I would ideally like to order a bag from Cronkhite but I am not sure which bag would fit this. I would also be open to other options from other makers. I would like it to be as small and compact as possible.

I have considered their large flugelhorn bag, their flugelbone bag, their large bass trumpet bag or their alto horn bag. Cronkhite doesn’t have dimensions for some of their more unusual case offerings on their website so it is difficult to know what might work.

It appears the large flugel bag would be a perfect fit but it is difficult to know if it would wrap around the instrument and still zip closed due to the slightly wider valve cluster.

It does not fit easily in my Cronkhite alto trombone bag. (Which might or might not be the same as the large bass trumpet bag.)

This bass trumpet is 21 inches long with a 7 inch bell. It is 11 inches from the left bell rim to the opposite end of the tubing. This is the dimension that prevents it from fitting in trombone cases.

If anyone has any ideas they would be much appreciated.

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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by Burgerbob »

I believe this would be just about right, and you get 2X! ... 5218&psc=1
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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by bbocaner »

I wonder if this is the one they had at baltimore brass for a while. It was a nice instrument! I would look for a Eb tenor horn (alto horn) gig bag.
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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by JohnL »

I've been looking for a bag or case to fit my B&M Bb bass trumpet for a long time and haven't really found anything suitable. It lives in a tenor trombone case right now, but that's far from ideal; it's not secure and there's a lot of wasted space.

I think an alto/tenor horn case is going to be much larger than is necessary - they're a little large even for some altos.

I wonder of something could be 3D printed?
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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by PVH »

Barry, I believe it was that instrument. Good to hear that I am not completely crazy for thinking it is good horn.

Thanks for the suggestion about the alto/tenor horn bag. I was afraid it would be too short even though it would have plenty of space for the bell and body width of the instrument.
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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by Mamaposaune »

Try contacting Tom Rice (Greenbean on the chat) about his Superfine cases. I'm pretty sure he can make cases to order, so you could get a perfect fit.
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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by bbocaner »

PVH wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:53 am Barry, I believe it was that instrument. Good to hear that I am not completely crazy for thinking it is good horn.

Thanks for the suggestion about the alto/tenor horn bag. I was afraid it would be too short even though it would have plenty of space for the bell and body width of the instrument.
a typical tenorhorn in the besson sovereign model is about 20.5" long, 10" wide with the receiver, and has an 8" bell.

If I am remembering correctly, the instrument at baltimore brass came in with a bunch of consignments from a tuba player who retired from an opera orchestra in Italy, Florence maybe?
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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by fsgazda »

I bought one of these for my Holton bass trumpet. Lined the inside with some foam that I picked up at the local Joann Fabrics. ... UTF8&psc=1
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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by ssking2b »

Try this. It fits you required dimensions. I have one of these to carry my flugabone in. It is a similar size. ... rumpet-bag
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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by PVH »

I have a student with a Superfine case. The quality was fantastic! If they would make one for this horn I would love to get one. I have contacted them but it might be too unusual a request.

I also contacted the people that make Cronkhite cases and they are not sure what case it would fit in. The dimensions of cases on their website seem a bit inconsistent.

I think it is a similar size to a flugabone but I am afraid that the reunion blues continental triple bag is a bit too short.

It might however fit the Cronkhite flugabone bag. Does anyone have a standard flugabone that they could measure to see what the height (distance from the bell rim to the opposite end of the tubing) is? This would be the dimension I am concerned about assuming that the 23 inch length of the Cronkhite case is accurate.

Thanks for all the help!
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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by dukesboneman »

I have an Eb Flugel horn (about the same size)
I bought a Gard Baritone bag and it works great and the price was extremely reasonable
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Re: Bass Trumpet Case Help

Post by Doug Elliott »

It seems to me that many of the gig bag makers will make a custom size if you ask.
Messina (in Louisville KY) is one maker than never gets mentioned here, and it says on their website "All of our low brass cases are made to order."

They primarily make upright bass bags and tuba bags, but will make anything if you ask.
"I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two."
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