If you are one of these crazy people who take their instruments on vacation - and have more than one to choose from - which do you pick and why?
I am in the lucky situation that within limits I get room from my wife and kids for some practice during vacation. And on the one hand I really enjoy doing it, on the other hand I just don't like the feeling of not playing for a certain time and then to whatever degree have to get back into it.
So before almost every vacation, I reconsider which trombone(s) to take.
Some aspects that play a role:
- I don't necessarily want to take my most expensive instruments. E g right now I left my Greenhoe bass home and took my Conn
- Obviously if I might be preparing for a specific challenging project this will influence the selection. E g taking the alto when there is something coming up that I want to specifically practice for
- Space and mode of transportation of course play a role. My smallest options would be just my alto or my bass trumpet
- I have once taken the bass trumpet to be able to practice in the car at night... sounds crazy, I know

When these factors above don't limit myself, I would probably either choose my large tenor/88h as it's the most universal instrument or take bass and small bore for some variety that covers (almost) everything.