Hirschman Plunger question

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Hirschman Plunger question

Post by dukesboneman »

I do a lot of Plunger/Pixie playing. I use a standard Humes and Berg Pixie mute and a basic run of the mill brown rubber plunger.
I`m hearing a lot of discussion about the Hirschman Blue Plungers primarily from trumpet players.
So started doing some checking and on their website - NO trombone /plunger videos
Does anyone have any experience with these as a trombone player?
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Re: Hirschman Plunger question

Post by johntarr »

For what it’s worth, I have one and really like it. The intonation is easier, you can adjust the opening, and it’s large enough to fit over a pixie mute if you use one. They are a bit pricey but if you are serious about exploring the sounds available with a plunger, I think worth the price. If you just need a plunger in your mute bag for the occasional wah-wah then I wouldn’t bother. I used to think that a plunger was just a plunger but have found there are subtle, and not so subtle differences in various toilet plungers, the Hirschman is a refinement and improvement. I have no financial ties to the company.
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Re: Hirschman Plunger question

Post by pbone3b »

I have one too and I like it. But I don't really use it with a pixie/nonpareil mute. I talked to Art Baron about it and while he liked the plunger itself (I think he was a tester?) he found it too wide and didn't like it when used with a mute.
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Re: Hirschman Plunger question

Post by DaveAshley »

I can’t go back to my old plungers now. Nuf said.
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Re: Hirschman Plunger question

Post by RJMason »

Pretty much every pro trombone player that has a need for a plunger has one now…so most of us 😂 I have a few friends that like smaller plungers and haven’t switched as the Hirschman is bigger than your normal ace hardware plunger. One or two play smaller bell tenors and have had success with the trumpet mute.

The Hirschman has the ability to be open and closed with the “Kenny Penny” and also able to be squished so you can really mess with the sound. Also picked up the Stinger mute, used it on a track doubling fuzz guitar. Perfect! The plunger is my favorite and goes with me everywhere, squishes nicely even inside the smallest of cases.
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Re: Hirschman Plunger question

Post by bassclef »

Dion Tucker has a video about them:

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