Help with Screwed Up Lips

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Help with Screwed Up Lips

Post by mlshermancpa »

All: I've been playing all my life but never had this situation. I live in Arizona and my lips are now so dry, cracked and chapped that they will no longer buzz properly. I've tried Chapstick, ointments, steroid creams, etc and nothing is working. I would appreciate your suggestions.
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Re: Help with Screwed Up Lips

Post by Burgerbob »

Electrolytes and water.
Aidan Ritchie, LA area player and teacher
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Re: Help with Screwed Up Lips

Post by harrisonreed »

Humidifier(s) in the house too keep the level at 50%. Drink water. Lots of water. I had the same issue in Colorado -- waking up with bloody noses and dealing with clown lips. But then I drank water...

Water cures everything. I knew a guy who had lost his left arm to a hyena attack. But then he drank water...
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Re: Help with Screwed Up Lips

Post by CalgaryTbone »

Try some vitamin E - I prefer the ointments that are in a gel form (sort of like vaseline). Some people like the vitamin E in a liquid (oil-like) form. Unlike Chapstick, etc., it mostly wipes off, and gets absorbed into the skin. Calgary is very dry too - a lot of brass players experience what you're talking about. And yes, a plus one for upping your water intake and cut back on liquids that don't hydrate as well as plain water. You will find that you need less of the vitamin E after a short time, and eventually it will become a rare treatment for a day or two when the weather changes.

Jim Scott
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