Is it just me, or are there missing smilies? I can pick from four clefs (great!) but only 6 pitches. Missing are: lines 1 & 5, spaces 0, 1 & 3.
Also, on TTF, we could delete the whitespace between smileys, connecting the staves together. That was a nice feature.
Yes, there are missing smilies. When Matt K "scraped" our information from the old Trombone Forum some of the old smilies didn't come over. Matt has not had a chance to recreate the missing smilies. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Bruce Guttman
Merrimack Valley Philharmonic Orchestra
"Almost Professional"
You now have enough posts to be able to contact Matt. I don't know where these are to be placed, or I would help you get them posted. I don't think you can upload the Smilies yourself.
Bruce Guttman
Merrimack Valley Philharmonic Orchestra
"Almost Professional"
You should be good to go now. You were in a group that people end up in if they post something from a rather large list. It’s also possible you made a fourth post without having the first three approved. Sorry for that, spambots are pretty aggressive theee days. Fortunately, once people are onboarded the issues should be permanently fixed for you. Feel free to let me know if you have any issues. I can add those images sometime this weekend if you can get them to me.
Unfortunately, I don't think phpbb lets me adjust the spacing. If I have to post music, I typically fire up musescore (previously Sibelius until I started needing to spend an hour fighting their licensing server every time I opened it...), engrave it, and then screenshot it. Less than optimal.
I know that doesn't appear to be a note on the bottom line of the staff, but when I press the icon for a note on the bottom line of the staff, this is what comes out:
This is a note on the the ledger line above the staff
I know that doesn't appear to be a note on the the ledger line above the staff, but when I press the icon for a note on the the ledger line above the staff, this is what comes out: