Burgerbob wrote: ↑Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:16 pm
I have a wifi one that I use with my iPad. Neat setup and it was cheap.
I'm curious about this ... for a couple of reasons ...
I've had a couple of these Ebay scopes and have used them for various activities. The most productive one is examining the combustion chambers of my black powder rifles because that's a straight shot down the barrel -- and the result can be "Uh, how come I see the end of a machine screw protruding into the chamber?" (Fixed that.) Also, the 'scope can be useful in certain plumbing or electrical wiring activities I won't go into here.
But in the case of my brass musical instruments, the scope hasn't proved to be of much value (except in a couple of cases of eyeballing the inside of a water valve nipple). Sometimes, on a tuba with large enough bore, you can get it to an advantageous position, but in most cases where you want to see something like alignment of piston valves, it doesn't come close to going around the corner of the knuckle on the piston casing. And on a euph it's even worse. So not much value there. For my piston instruments, I've made a little tool that allows me to measure where the inside cylinder ports are and then align the piston correctly. It's a bit of a pain, but it works.
On my (independent) double valve bass, I don't need it. The front rotor is quite easily seen from the slide tenon side, and the rear rotor is a straight shot from the tuning crook side. So the endoscope doesn't provide much utility there. (By the way, on my cheesy Schiller bass trombone, the witness marks are right on the money -- I was shocked. The bumper alignment is right on the edge.

So I'm wondering what benefit you get out of the 'scope for trombone valves. I guess it might be of benefit on a dependent valve setup? But then I wonder about getting it around the knuckle corners. I keep thinking I should throw some more money at a better (smaller, more flexible) 'scope, but just have never done that.