What is your favorite/which one do you usually enjoy most and why?
(In order to not make this another equipment discussion: Not talking about a specific instrument, but a category like bass vs. small bore)
I myself play and perform on bass, large tenor, small tenor, alto and euphonium. (Constantly trying to NOT add contra to it

I generally like playing all of these and try to touch all of them on a regular basis, but generally speaking among them I have some favorites.
Bass trombone: This is where I still feel most at home. Everytime I pick it up, I enjoy it and love the sound. It's this warm, but present sound with a touch of a large growling grizzly bear in the background. If I had to leave all others behind for a while and could only bring one instrument, it would be the bass trombone
Large tenor: While I technically feel comfortable playing it, I don't enjoy it as much as the bass trombone. Somehow it doesn't have that same level of attraction. Also I don't have a "target sound" in mind as much as I would have it for the other instruments. It's just not as special for me, but I like playing it in an ensemble. One thing that I however really enjoy on large tenor is to play Bordogni etudes (and similar things).
Small tenor: I love it almost as much as bass trombone. One reason is probably that it is still relatively new to me (only started small bore playing around 4 years ago), but also the musical styles that it is most suited for.
Alto: I enjoy playing it in certain orchestral and ensemble settings and with Alain Trudel continue to have a great rolemodel sound in my head. But I don't really enjoy practicing it. For me it's not as rewarding to be a little bit more out of tune etc.
Euphonium: It's nice. It's easy to pick it up and make a nice sound. My kids love it - my wife doesn't

So if I had to pack just one instrument, it would be bass trombone, if two it would be bass and small bore.
What's your favorite(s)?