Bucket list items?

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Bucket list items?

Post by MStarke »

I am looking forward to playing Schumann's Rhenish symphony on alto mid February.
This has been sort of a final boss and at the same time bucket list item for me for many years.
As a former professional mostly bass trombonist this has made me sweat just thinking of it in some points of my life :-D
However today I would say it's a challenge but I am sleeping alright thinking of it. I have been preparing well and feel quite comfortable, even if there is of course always some risk involved.

Some open bucket list items for me:
- Playing a recital with just solo works for bass, tenor and alto
- Playing more frequently on lead and/or bass with a good bigband
- Being able to do at least some improvisation in e.g. a bigband setting
- Bolero ;-)
- Playing solo with a (amateur) symphony orchestra
- Doing some home recordings that are on a sufficient quality level that I feel happy sharing them publicly

What are your bucket list items? What would you love to play at some point? Is there anything you can do to get there?
Markus Starke

Alto: Conn 35h, Kanstul, Weril
Tenor: 2x Conn 6h, Blessing medium, Elkhart 88H, 88HT, Greenhoe 88HT, Heckel, Piering replica
Bass: Conn 112h/62h, Greenhoe TIS, Conn 60h/"62h"
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Re: Bucket list items?

Post by Chronos91 »

I don't know that I have many items, but I do have some of the same ones even if the result would probably not look the same for me since I'm far from professional.

- Being able to improvise solos in the jazz band I play in.
- I'd like to be able to make recordings that I feel comfortable sharing with musicians. I'll record arrangements I made of the birthday song for friends, but I'd like to get to the point where I could work on something and actually feel comfortable posting it here. Even if it wasn't professional quality (it won't be).
- Get a paid gig. This isn't urgent and it isn't really a money thing, but it would just personally mean a lot if I was at a point where someone wanted me to play enough to pay me.
- This one is out there and in a totally different bucket, but I would like to make a part that was good enough that I'd chose to use it. I have several years of professional experience with electroplating, and I've actual made and used some solutions at home (copper and silver plating), so I'm imagining that I would electroform the part(s). I'd probably try a tuning slide or a leadpipe.
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Re: Bucket list items?

Post by Nolankberk »

Play a ballad that makes someone shed a tear
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Re: Bucket list items?

Post by stewbones43 »

Nolankberk wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 12:22 pm Play a ballad that makes someone shed a tear
Yes, as long as it isn't the composer of the ballad! :oops: :(


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Re: Bucket list items?

Post by tbdana »

This made me think! (Not an activity I engage in often.) And I came up with nothing. I'm old, and I've been so blessed in my life to have done, many years ago, everything musically that I ever wanted to do. Now I could only hope to do more of it. But I don't hope that. What I hope is to play with the best musicians around and to have a blast doing it. That's it. Spending the rest of my playing life with good music and good people. I can't think of anything better.
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