Should I get this?

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Should I get this?

Post by pakkeidj »

I've been looking at the Geten 4147IB for a while now, and I can finally afford it, I just wanna know what everyone thinks of it before I drop 5k on a new trombone.
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Re: Should I get this?

Post by SwissTbone »

The Getzen 4247IB is a very nice trombone! If I'd have to buy a large bore tenor trombone sight unseen that would be on top of my list.
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Re: Should I get this?

Post by WGWTR180 »

Sure! Go for it! If you don't like it you can sell it for about 20% less than you paid for it.
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Re: Should I get this?

Post by vetsurginc »

Got one when my 42 was tied up getting a new valve and I had commitments. Love it. Took a little getting used to as my 42 old valve was so bad I was blowing my brains out with it, so tended to overblow the IB. Now even with the repair done on the 42, the IB is my favorite. Just works without having ot think about it. I was able to get a really good deal on an open box horn, so only ended spending $3300.00.
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Re: Should I get this?

Post by tkelley216 »

I play it, won my job on the older version, had my job buy the newer one for me. They are both good horns, but different. The newer version plays "wider" then the original which is an easier blow but loses some of the nimble response and unique sound of the older one.

If you are looking at getzen/Edwards, I would seriously consider the 4047ET which is the bach-inspired sister horn. Maybe even the T-396 as well, all three of those horns played better than the custom Edwards configuration I tried at at the factory. They also keep their value better than custom horns if you decide to sell one day.

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Re: Should I get this?

Post by tkelley216 »

Just saw OP is in high school...if I could give my 16-year old self some advice, I would have gotten a used 88h and a bach 5g and practiced until I got a job... Maybe get a used king 3b as well, but save the rest of that money for lessons.
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Matt K
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Re: Should I get this?

Post by Matt K »

88s aren’t what they used to be and adjusted for inflation you’re not too far off the mark from a new Getzen vs. getting a new Conn before the 90s
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Re: Should I get this?

Post by tbonesullivan »

tkelley216 wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 6:35 am I play it, won my job on the older version, had my job buy the newer one for me. They are both good horns, but different. The newer version plays "wider" then the original which is an easier blow but loses some of the nimble response and unique sound of the older one.
What changes did they make to the 4147IB? I know they made changes to the 4047DS, which became the 4047ET, but I hadn't heard about major changes to the 4147IB. I am however not really on the up and up on the Getzen custom series.
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Re: Should I get this?

Post by tkelley216 »

Matt K wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 6:50 am 88s aren’t what they used to be and adjusted for inflation you’re not too far off the mark from a new Getzen vs. getting a new Conn before the 90s
That's a good point! And I would definitely pay more for a brand new Getzen over a brand new Conn. My reasoning was with a good used instrument. If you can find a good, older 88h or 42 for half the price of a new Getzen, that frees up a lot of cash that could be spent on lessons, college, or even a doubling instrument (I paid off my bass trombone with gig money before any of my tenors). Also, sound concept and overall approach are going to change with time, but especially during college degrees. I got a custom edwards configuration when I was 18 and regretted it 3 years later when I finally realized that heavier-bigger-louder isn't always the answer...

If buying new, I would also go with a Getzen, if not something from a smaller shop like M&W or Stephens (which may have long wait times). I just like the idea of saving money by getting a tried and tested horn like the 88h or 42 and using that until it pays itself off.
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Re: Should I get this?

Post by Matt K »

Yeah, used can get way better bang for buck. I think the only horns I've ever bought new were both purchase my parents made for me: YSL354 in 5th grade and YSL8820 in 11th. Both circumstances if I had a time machine I'd have them go used instead :lol:
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Re: Should I get this?

Post by tkelley216 »

tbonesullivan wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:37 am
tkelley216 wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 6:35 am I play it, won my job on the older version, had my job buy the newer one for me. They are both good horns, but different. The newer version plays "wider" then the original which is an easier blow but loses some of the nimble response and unique sound of the older one.
What changes did they make to the 4147IB? I know they made changes to the 4047DS, which became the 4047ET, but I hadn't heard about major changes to the 4147IB. I am however not really on the up and up on the Getzen custom series.
I think there's a few videos out there about some of the changes, maybe one with Ian talking? I don't think they get super specific. The bigger changes are:

-Heavy valve cap
-Removable leadpipe (maybe different leadpipe?)
-Engraved bell art
-Different slide geometry

The last point is the biggest change, as both slide and bell are now compatible with Edwards/Bach parts. The hand brace was made a bit smaller and moved back to a more "normal" position, but technically speaking I'm not sure exactly what else was changed. From a playing perspective, the blow is much more open and the sound is wider and a bit more robust. It kind of feels like they put a Bach slide on a conn. Still a great instrument and still a conn-inspired sound, just not as conn-like as the original.

I think the 4047ET has a new leadpipe, heavy valve cap, and some other tweaks from the original design. It plays phenomenally, giving you that classic Mt. Vernon/Elkhart Bach 42 sound with a modern build and response. I grew up on the "Conn" sound and my job has me doing a lot of chamber music so I decided to stay with the 4147, but if I primarily played in an orchestral setting I would have gone with the 4047.
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Re: Should I get this?

Post by Matt K »

I want to say one of them has a sterling pipe and i thought it was the ET. I tried the Enzo model at ATW this year and it was one of the best horns on the floor for me
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