Markey 85-87 VS Griego 1.25

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Markey 85-87 VS Griego 1.25

Post by 30hzbone »

For those of you who can compare, what is the difference between Markey 85-87 and Griego 1.25
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Re: Markey 85-87 VS Griego 1.25

Post by tbonesullivan »

Might be best to just fire off an email to Griego. They are pretty responsive, and I'm sure they have gotten this question before.
David S. - daveyboy37 from TTF
Bach 39, LT36B, 42BOF & 42T, King 2103 / 3b, Kanstul 1570CR & 1588CR, Yamaha YBL-612 RII, YBL-822G & YBL-830, Sterling 1056GHS Euphonium,
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Re: Markey 85-87 VS Griego 1.25

Post by JMudge »

I have a Markey 85 and an older 1.25 in the Deco blank. I won’t rehash all the technical specs since they’re on the website, but they both have a similar 28.3mm rim. For me….. the 1.25 has a rounder rim with a softer bite….the Markey has a flatter rim with a little sharper bite (not to the degree of others). The 1.25 has a slightly larger feel to the rim diameter for me despite it technically being a littler smaller.

Honestly, other than rim size and both being Griegos, that’s where any similarities end. The 1.25 has a much deeper cup and larger throat. Plus, I don’t think the deco blank is a a good comparison to the Markey blank. The NY or Nouveau blanks would be better references. Personally I find my 1.25 to be comfortable, responsive, and extremely stable (it’s a deco blank). But it’s like playing a tank at times. The Markey is responsive, flexible, more comfortable, rich, and definitely more efficient. If you want both or bigger start with a 1.25 in the NY blank. If you only want one, my vote would be for the Markey.

Oh, and the 87 really compares more to a 1 or even .75 in their standard series. I don’t have experience with any of those specifically, so someone else will have to chime in there. All of this is just my subjective opinion and it won’t buy you a cup of coffee, but I hope it helps a little. Have a good one.

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Re: Markey 85-87 VS Griego 1.25

Post by 30hzbone »

Thanks Jmudge exactly the type of info I was looking for.
Bach 42B corporation 1980
Getzen 3062AF + R
JP 231 Rath
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