I returned to playing the trombone after 37 years. I have a tendancy to rasp when playing A or G sharp (treble cleff, brass band), particulary if a solo and I am maybe playing louder than usual, and have to fight the rasp to get a good note. I have returned to playing about 3 years now,and have continued with this problem on three different horns, Besson Westminster, Yamaha 354 & 454. I am wondering if I need to change the mouthpiece but where can you try before you buy? Mouthpieces are expensive especially if it is technique rather than bone structure which is causing the problem. I generally do not have problems with tone and can play over two octaves normal range. It is just the middle G/F sharp note range (in bass cleff) (and easy zone) which seems a little wild and unruly. I have asked all the experienced musicians I know and so far no one has been able to offer any help or suggestions
Any ideas most welcome.
Best regards