quite a stash???
remember except for two, the Conn 6H and the 35 Buescher, all were cheap EBAY auction winners (very low $XXX) Buesher 35 Grand Delux was a benefit of having a friend on TTF Conn 6H was a good buy (thanks to DJ).
1935ish Grand Delux is called "Goldie" for obvious reasons.
check out the gallery for pictures
roll call:
3 conns, 2 bueschers, 1 Wunderlich, 1 Busch, 1 Holton, 1 King,
only one made in the last 30 some years, others: 1940ish, 1935ish, 1910 - 1920ish, give or take one 1900 - 1910ish.
any one wanting to trade a LA Olds professional model or a King Liberty, Liberty 2B or 2B for some of my pea shooters, PM me. (
to dream the impossible dream
Work??? yes and no. some of the slides need work but all are playable all are low pitch so close to modern pitch or they are actually modern pitch. obviously, the 6H and 4H are the best in my humble opinion.
some of the slides need work but all are playable, in a fashion, all are low pitch so close to modern pitch or they are actually modern pitch. obviously, the 6H and 4H are the best in my humble opinion.
My son's section leader has indicated to his parents that he might want a graduation gift of a good vintage jazz trombone, so I have loaned him the 4H, the Holton special and the 35 Buescher to try out and to do a "report" back to me about his thoughts about their abilities. I will update you folks then.
this is with his parents' consent who have asked me to help him out in finding a good trombone when the time comes. I am hoping to broaden his horizons to the various possibilities. He really likes the Olds Special, but the School won't sell it to him.