Quote from: Doug Elliott on Feb 17, 2017, 10:21PMEven known brands of oval euphoniums are horrible in my experience.
If you have a boat, fill it with concrete and use it as an anchor.
Doug, I disagree. Oval baritone sounds much better than euphonium (IMHO).
In Russia in brass bands it is of great importance, like a cello in a Symphony orchestra.
Mr. Werden wrote about oval baritones:
"Regarding "soaring" from the baritones, I think that's where those oval horns really shine. Not because they are oval, but I think they are more conical and open than a British baritone. It is much easier to get that soaring sound when your air can move through so freely. So I'm guessing the writing within these compositions and arrangements is geared to take advantage of those particular instruments. Whatever the reason, the result is really neat and uplifting!'