I've been doing a little experimenting lately and would like to hear the comments of anyone who might have:
a) traveled down the same path, or
b) might have any specific knowledge RE using silicone fluid as an oil.
Bruce (BGuttman), I'd particularly welcome any input you might have.
OK - a little background. As I'm sure any of you who uses a horn with a Fatt, AND uses any of the Silicone slide lubes will know, if you allow any of the hydrocarbon oils to mix with the Silicone slide lube it pretty much turns into glue

Also, if the valve oil finds its way into the atachment tubing it will dilute the tuning slide grease - also undesirable.
Soo, remembering comments Bruce Guttman had made in the past RE Dow Corning High Vacuum Grease I decided to see what a full Silicone approach might be like.
So here's what I've done (R10F and 42A):
a) The slides work very well with Slide-o-mix Rapid Comfort so I didn't change that.
b) I acquired some Dow Corning Silicone Fluid ("Xiameter PMX200, 2cst") This fluid has a viscosity of 2 cSt.
c) I acquired some Silicone grease - not having easy access to the High Vacuum stuff Bruce recommends I hunted around for a bit and found a Permatex product for use as a "Dielectric Grease" to corrosion proof electrical connections in the automotive industry.
d) After dismantling my valves and removing the tuning slides I THOROUGHLY cleaned them to remove all traces of hydrocarbon lubricants.
e) I "oiled" the valves fairly liberally with the PMX 200 and reassembled them. I made a small mistake here that worried me for a bit - some of you may remember the roller modification I made to my R10F linkage - lovely feel, BUT I didn't disassemble it and foolishly dropped some of the PMX200 into it - this has now been remedied - it damn near stopped me from being able to use the valve because the roller became so sluggish.
f) I greased the tuning slides with the Permatex.
So far everything is working really well as far as ease of use etc. is concerned, although I think that the Permatex would benefit from being a bit higher viscosity.
Is anyone aware of any downsides I might be missing - particularly any techs who might have had problems with Silicone contamination and solder repairs?