Post a little something, maybe on a weekly or even daily basis, about what you're doing trombone-wise or musically. I know some of you are on YouTube regularly so that might seem a little redundant. But for the rest of us I think it would be interesting to find out where you all are in your "progression" as a trombonist, what you double on, what else you dabble in or concentrate on musically, etc.. If you're working on a particular piece of music, either solo or in a group/band/orchestra, maybe take a quick pic of your music and post it. Talk about troublesome areas in what your working on or how great you sounded last night. Whatever....
Maybe this would make for a new forum? Idk
How about I start. Last night I had my first rehearsal with a community band (my 3rd now) that's in it's 99th season in my town. It's a big traditional yearly event where musicians come from around the area to participate in a six week series. There's at least 100 of us and I counted 13 trombones in our section! I'm trying to play 3rd on my bass and I'm the only one with a double valve horn (probably because it's not necessary). Good thing because one chart had low C below the staff as an option. And yes, I pumped that baby out with pride

Someone tell me what they're doing, what they're playing and how they feel about it. It's ok if it's boring. You never know what you can start here.