Hi all trombone friends! As you all know I play a Mt Vernon 1.5g on my bass trombone. Lately I have also played a little on the George Roberts copy called MV made by a mouthpiece maker in Los Angeles. So today is my first holyday in Christmas and I had time to make two videos with both the Mt Vernon and the GR copy, Question is which one you think is played with which mouthpiece? The winner get a beer of course
I think I like the first one better in the low range and the second one better for higher notes. I have no idea how that relates to the two mouthpieces in question, I've got no point of reference other than your very nice bass bone sound.
Thanks for recording.
Last edited by hyperbolica on Fri Dec 21, 2018 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tom, here you have it without any reverbhttps://1drv.ms/u/s!AnFhNyFesmcYhYcIM7ON1qWmWGc3qg
Reverb just tell what room you are inside. Its a choice. It dont make much difference.
Merry Christmas to all of you
afugate wrote: ↑Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:36 am
Darn! I was hoping to enjoy a little of Leif's fine playing this morning, but the youtube links say the video isn't available. :/
--Andy in OKC
Same here. The first two links was working before but not anymore. The third link is strange. It says I have to make a Microsoft account? Not sure I want that.
Last edited by imsevimse on Tue Dec 25, 2018 10:22 am, edited 5 times in total.
I have since many years ago got lot of emails about how much reverb I use and are tired of it. Mostly kindly advices but some of them are really bad attitudes or attacks. All from people I dont know. (not you Tom of course but lot of others through the years)
This one is with zero reverb on the trombone for the curious one.
Back to the original question........... Which mouthpiece?
Savio, you sound great on both mouthpieces. I don't think you can go wrong with either one.
As a listener, for this particular solo, I prefer the more colorful, lilting sound that the second mouthpiece lets you create. The first recording sounds heavier. Maybe the larger of the two mouthpieces ?? I don't dare guess which mouthpiece is the George Roberts clone, but either way, I think George Roberts would applaud your sound. Thanks for sharing the recordings.