Portable Music Stand recommendations?

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Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by Strezzedoutz »

Hello everyone! This is my first post on TromboneChat (but not Tromboneforum!)

I've been doing a lot of internet searching for a good portable music stand that fits my preferences. There were some amazon reviews, but I feel like I'd trust the opinions of you fine folk here just a bit more. :good: I should state that I really dislike wire stands.

Things that I was looking for
1) Full desk. I like having a full desk to make writing on the sheet music possible. Vented holes would be okay because music would most likely be accompanied by a binder or a folder. I am also considering that the desk be made of steel for magnets to be able to hold music down for outdoor playing. (Seperate question, does anyone know if magnets would work through a folder/binder?)

2) Heavier base. Since this would be my main music stand that I bring with me to rehearsals and gigs, I would also like it to be usable for outdoor venues. The legs should be made of a heavier material like steel to be able to hold up against wind.

3) Portability. I commute mostly by public transportation and by walking. Having the desk be foldable and the legs be tripod would be very useful. I have a protec Bass trombone mute bag to carry mutes. If the stand comes with a carrying bag, i can always rest the stand bag on top of my mute bag, if needed. But if the stand does not come with its on bag, then I'd need the desk to be able to that 18" long mute bag which would limit some options. However, I am always open to suggestions on how to make everything convenient to carry.

4) Ease of set up. Minor, but as long as I do not have to take out entire screws in order to detach and assemble the stand together, it'll be fine. There was a stand I saw that was inconvenient in that way to detach the desk from the stand.

You can also just share some of your recommended portable music stands in general! :shuffle: Thank you!
Small bore Straight: Yamaha-891z w/ Bach 7C/12C
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by hyperbolica »

https://www.musiciansfriend.com/accesso ... BEQAvD_BwE
https://www.musiciansfriend.com/accesso ... 04QAvD_BwE

I dislike wire stands as well, but this K&M works. I have a Peak plastic stand as well, but prefer the K&M for going out.

For base stability, nothing like a sand sock. That way you can choose to carry the weight or not.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by BGuttman »

I wish there was a clear answer that would fit your requirements perfectly, but you will have to make a value judgment as to what's more important.

First, in my experience 3 ring binders are WAY too heavy for most portable music stands; even ones with full desks. I have had success with the following:

Hamilton KB-90. Steel desk. Thumbscrew adjustments for desk angle and height, so a heavy binder will work. Desk is a little smaller than a Manahassett. Available with a nice carry case. Can be a bit heavy.

Manhassett Voyager: Aluminum desk (not magnetic). Nice size. Accessory available to increase the size of the desk called a "Stand Out". Fricktion height adjustment so sometimes a heavy binder will "collapse" the stand. I compensate with a hose clamp around the inner pole. There is a carry bag available. Older design was pretty bad, but the newer bag is OK.

Desca: Older ones had solid desks, but newer ones have perforations. Folds up into a rectangle much like the Peterson in Hyperbolica's post.

Wenger: This doesn't fold as compact as the others, but converts into a shape like a briefcase. Sturdy. Steel desk. Pricey.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by AndrewMeronek »

I use a Peak SMS-20 that I've beaten up for several years now and it's stood up to the abuse wonderfully. The carrying case, not so much - I trashed that. But the stand itself is solid. I recommend you look at the manufacturer's site, as some distributors don't show you the different model options.

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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by ghmerrill »

I've had several, including the Peaks, Hamiltons, and others. I now tote my old metal non-folding Manhasset stand around when I need one. That hardly fits your needs. However, ...

I'm seriously considering getting one of these in the next concert season: https://www.descahome.com/product/desca-presto/

Not sure it fits all (or even most) of your criteria, and it's not compact enough to slip into a gig bag, but it might work well for you, given what you say about your luggage.
Gary Merrill
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by timothy42b »

I have one that is essentially a full size stand like a Wenger but it folds. It is as solid as a nonfolding and can hold anything they can. I don't remember the brand but I'll look later today. The desk folds down and the legs tripod up.

That said, even folded it's still pretty heavy and a bit awkward. There really isn't any free lunch here, as far as I know.

Oops. Just remembered, there is one fault. It doesn't go quite as high as a nonfolding. If you have decent vision you're fine, but I had one gig in bad light before I had my eye surgery where I expected to sit but couldn't. I could not get the stand high enough to get the music in range of my eyes. That's probably true of all portable stands to some extent.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by Posaunus »

ghmerrill wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:49 am I'm seriously considering getting one of these in the next concert season: https://www.descahome.com/product/desca-presto/
I'm very happy with my Desca Presto portable music stand. Folds up very compactly, pretty easy to set up and take down. Compact. Even comes with its own carry handle. I actually carry it in a VidPro 27" tripod bag:
https://smile.amazon.com/VidPro-Padded- ... way&sr=8-4
for extra protection, wrapped in a micro-fiber dish-drying mat that I use to collect spit valve moisture.
Nice set-up, easy to carry. I like the stand's accessory shelf for my spray bottle, pencil, tuner, etc. But it's (durable) plastic, not metal. If that's not a deal-breaker, worth investigating.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by RichC »

Been using a Peak for several years, both inside and out...never a problem, and with some pretty heavy big band books on the deck.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by timothy42b »

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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by hyperbolica »

Thanks to those who mentioned the Desca. Looks like a great idea. I love the built-in pencil tray.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by baileyman »

Strezzedoutz wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2019 9:31 am ... The legs should be made of a heavier material like steel to be able to hold up against wind. ...
So, carry some kind of water container that you can tie onto the stand, low. Then you can make a light flimsy stand quite heavy and tenacious.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by Kbiggs »

I bought a Hercules BS408B a few years ago particularly for outdoor gigs. I think it fits all your requirements.

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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by Geordie »

I have been happy with this. Two shelves is a useful feature. Very easy to set up. As you can see not a tripod but you can position the feet flexibly and does have a solid https://www.ratstands.com/all-stands/th ... stand/back.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by SimmonsTrombone »

I’ve used the Peak for several years. Once outside, it blew over in the wind, as did a couple of the non-folding Manhassettes. Now I always orient it so that I can pur my foot on one of the legs.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by walldaja »

I've been using a Peak stand for years. You can't beat it for having a table that folds compactly.

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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by ddickerson »

I've used a Peak for years, but now I have all my music on an Ipad Pro 12.9". Problem solved!
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by Strezzedoutz »

Thanks for the comments and suggestions everyone! I like the weight/foot on the stand as an alternative in outdoor windy enviorments. For those who own the Peak and the Desca stands, how stable is the desk? does it wobble from the connector to the stand at all?
Small bore Straight: Yamaha-891z w/ Bach 7C/12C
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by ddickerson »

My Peak stand doesn't wobble at all. Very stable.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by SaigonSlide »

The Desca is great for its portability, but I have found it a little wobbly at times. Overall though I really like it as I get around by scooter and take all my gear with me: horn, stand, bone stand, toys.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by ShermanKNTO »

I've been using the RAT Jazz Stand for 7 years for orchestra rehearsals and also for all outdoor performances for orchestra and concert band.
1. Has a polycarbonate (I think) full desk with accessories tray, so magnets will not work. I have large (wide) clothes pins and a plastic shield to hold down the pages.
2. Has a fold out base (aluminum) that you can use a a normal stand or reverse the base to use as a conductor stand (hold more weight).
3. Folds up and you can get a stand bag. There are 2 compartments, one for the stand and one for your music or accessories. I carry a cheap wire stand just in case someone forgets to bring a stand for themselves.
4. You can set it up with one hand (and foot). Takes maybe 15 seconds to set up or break down. Nothing comes apart.
It still functions like it was brand new. They are now available at the most popular music online shops. Might work for you.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by elmsandr »

If you get the Desca, also get a couple of his folders as well. Heck, get the folders even if you don't get the stand. They have elastic to hold on to the desk of the stand and clear pockets to hold down the music from wind and you can read through them. For me, the best part is the flap at the top. No more spilling your music out the top of the folder if you grab it upside down. Game changer for outdoor concerts. Not sure how long it will hold up (I've been using it weekly for over a year), but I will probably buy a 10 pack when this one wears out.

For stands, I have the Peak and the Desca. I prefer the Desca, it packs a little smaller (shorter) and I like the pencil tray. My wife prefers the Peak as she doesn't like the action of setting up the Desca. It isn't hard, but it requires just a hair more mechanical interaction than she likes. As she is only carrying a flute, she doesn't mind the extra couple of inches of the Peak bag to carry. I do, as the peak and my K&M bone stand barely fit in my accessory bag.

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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by tctb »

ShermanKNTO wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2019 9:33 pm I've been using the RAT Jazz Stand for 7 years for orchestra rehearsals and also for all outdoor performances for orchestra and concert band.
1. Has a polycarbonate (I think) full desk with accessories tray, so magnets will not work. I have large (wide) clothes pins and a plastic shield to hold down the pages.
2. Has a fold out base (aluminum) that you can use a a normal stand or reverse the base to use as a conductor stand (hold more weight).
3. Folds up and you can get a stand bag. There are 2 compartments, one for the stand and one for your music or accessories. I carry a cheap wire stand just in case someone forgets to bring a stand for themselves.
4. You can set it up with one hand (and foot). Takes maybe 15 seconds to set up or break down. Nothing comes apart.
It still functions like it was brand new. They are now available at the most popular music online shops. Might work for you.
My RAT Jazz stand was great until it broke . I had to rivet the thing back together . I was not impressed!
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by Posaunus »

elmsandr wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2019 7:43 am If you get the Desca, also get a couple of his folders as well.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by FeelMyRath »

I'm waiting for my RAT Jazz stand. I'll report back after its here.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by Doug Elliott »

I have a RAT that is ideal for some gigs, but it won't hold a heavy notebook and the ledge doesn't stick.out very far.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by ghmerrill »

Doug Elliott wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2019 6:42 pm I have a RAT that is ideal for some gigs, but it won't hold a heavy notebook and the ledge doesn't stick.out very far.
This is why I've resorted to my traditional old heavy black Manhasset. It's REALLY hard to find a stand that meets the criteria of:
  • Small transport size -- overall portability
  • Rigid construction when set up
  • Good/useful/stable table and table/shelf size
  • Stability on somewhat uneven ground.
  • Stability in mild to moderate wind
You almost always have to sacrifice one or more of these in order to have the others. So you end up with a great stand that blows over in mild wind unless you put cement blocks on it. Or you've got a nice stand that's quite stable -- except it can't really support a fairly heavy 3-ring binder without falling over. Or everything is great, but the footprint of the base is huge and gets in the way.

Hence the old Manhasset. I do think I may try the Desca soon. But that will be my LAST experiment. Really. :roll:
Gary Merrill
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by Bach5G »

After following this thread for a while I’m back to thinking the Manhasset with the folding legs is the way to go.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by Grah »

hyperbolica wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2019 10:18 am Image
https://www.musiciansfriend.com/accesso ... BEQAvD_BwE
https://www.musiciansfriend.com/accesso ... 04QAvD_BwE

I dislike wire stands as well, but this K&M works. I have a Peak plastic stand as well, but prefer the K&M for going out.

For base stability, nothing like a sand sock. That way you can choose to carry the weight or not.
I have the same K&M stand and three of my trombone mates have also invested after seeing mine. But you know what one of the best features is? The K&M shoulder bag it came with also accepts my trombone stand, which is a huge advantage!

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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by bigbandbone »

I recently bought a Peak. Wish I hadn't. Those high legs are always in the way and a trip hazard on a tight stage. Friend bought a Manhasset Voyager. A much better option IMHO.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by ghmerrill »

If you want a light-weight fold-up or collapsible stand with a decently sized table, then you're at the mercy of basic physics in terms of the footprint and height of the legs. If you play outdoors with some frequency, then you realize that the "open" type wire or slat stands are useless and that solid table stands act as sails which impose huge torque on the base and have to be counterbalanced by wide or heavy bases. One thing I haven't tried doing is using some tent-peg like spikes to anchor the stand in those circumstances. I have some left over that were anchors for a kids' jungle gym and are just really heavy gauge wire with a hook top. You can get them on Amazon as well. I think those might work well as long as you're on ground they can be put into. Also, the stands that allow the addition of hanging weights can work -- but then you have to haul the weight around (or something to fill with water in order to make the weight).

If I played a bunch of different venues professionally or at a high amateur level, I'd probably have two or three different stands for the different possibilities. There just isn't a "one size fits all".
Gary Merrill
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by CharlieB »

Take a look at these. You might prefer them to magnets.
As far as stability in the wind ...... Either pins as suggested above, or gaffer's tape if you're on a hard surface.
I have a heavy base (non-portable) Manhasset stand, and even that doesn't work well in the wind. The tripod geometry of the legs on music stands is just unstable.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by ghmerrill »

CharlieB wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2019 2:37 pm Take a look at these. You might prefer them to magnets.
Thanks. But I don't use magnets, and I only use a couple of small clips under extreme circumstances. All my music is printed from digitized copies and I keep it in a 3-ring binder in (non-reflective!) transparent plastic sleeves. It takes a pretty stiff wind to blow it around. I realize that not everyone can do this, and it does make for a heavy notebook -- which means I need a pretty rigid stand to begin.
I have a heavy base (non-portable) Manhasset stand, and even that doesn't work well in the wind. The tripod geometry of the legs on music stands is just unstable.
I find that with the old Manhasset and the heavy notebook, it's pretty stable. And if I put a foot on one of the base parts, that really adds stability. But you're right that anything over mildly breezy (3-5 mph?) wind is problematic. And gusty wind is a real pain.
Gary Merrill
Amati Oval Euph
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by CharlieB »

Sorry for the confusion, Gary.
I should have specified that I was replying to OP Strezzedoutz.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by bassclef »

Without exaggeration: I've been through at least one of every available portable stand option on the market. It was a bit of an obsession at one point.

Here's what I've narrowed down my collection down to:

I have a Desca for when I know I'm not going to need to have a 4-inch thick big band book on it, or that I'm sure I won't be outdoors.

I have a Manhasset Voyager for general purpose use, and it lives in the back of my SUV unless I carry it into the gig.

For outdoor playing, the absolute best stand is one of the Hercules offerings. I have this one: https://www.amazon.com/Hercules-BS301B- ... B002AKTLVM

The base is very wide and stable, and it's HEAVY. Wind doesn't phase it a bit. Hold quite a bit of weight on the desk too and I really like the clutch.

Also - those MusicMaide clips are awesome.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by baileyman »

For a wind situation, get a camping water bag, fill it, then tie it to the stand low. Just make sure it is off the floor or ground.

Also carry a sheet of plexiglas.

For a big book, carry a fold of cardboard for it to sit on, extending the shelf.

Best strategy to avoid outdoor issues: Call in sick and send a sub.
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by TillE »

I made this one of mahogany and bubunga for my sister a few years ago. Not very portable but for a cold, drafty rehearsal hall it'd burn well

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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by mrdeacon »

Steal one from the local college :twisted:

It's basically a right of passage to have a music stand from your Alma mater. I'm pretty sure that's why tuition is getting so high! A manhesset music stand is built into your tuition :pant:
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Re: Portable Music Stand recommendations?

Post by 2bobone »

I vote for the RAT "Jazz" stand. The "C" shaped base sits flush to the floor so that you can easily put a foot on it if windy conditions pose a problem. Very well built, but expensive {$130]. The music shelf and accessories tray could be deeper, but all-in-all it's the best I've seen.
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