Mountain West Trombone Workshop 2019 (Salt Lake City - June 1st)

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Matt K
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Mountain West Trombone Workshop 2019 (Salt Lake City - June 1st)

Post by Matt K »

From Donn Schaefer, for anyone who may be in the SLC area June 1st!

Mountain West Trombone Workshop 2019
June 1 | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. | David Gardner Hall
Bonus Recital: May 31 | 7:30 p.m. | Libby Gardner Concert Hall

Trombone Friends and Educators,

I'd like to personally invite you and your students to our 3rd Annual MountainWest Trombone Workshop. Saturday, June 1, 2019. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the University of Utah School of Music (David Gardner Hall).

This is an action-packed day of trombone study and playing. All ages are welcome—the target range is high-school through professional. (We had a few middle-school players join us last year. They had a great time, and are more than welcome again this year.)

New for this year is a clinic featuring the Low Brass Section of the Utah Symphony Orchestra. Join Mark Davidson, Sam Elliot, Graeme Mutchler, and Gary Ofenloch as they guide us through the musical challenges of playing in an orchestral section.

For the $30 registration fee, here is what is included: in-depth masterclasses with Mark Davidson, Group Warmup with Donn Schaefer, Participant's Trombone Choir (everybody plays together with a performance at the end of the day), Guided Instrument Demos provided by Summerhays Music with a focus on Shires Trombones, Utah Symphony Low Brass Section clinic, free Pizza lunch, and most importantly, new knowledge and new friends.

Additionally, Mark Davidson will be playing a kickoff recital the night before, on May 31, at 7:30 p.m. We are calling it a bonus recital because we want you to sign up and participate on Saturday even if you aren't able to make it to the recital on Friday. (You'll want to attend both days if you can!)

Free T-shirt for early registration.

Please spread the word! I'd love to see you at this year's workshop!

Questions? Send me an email at: [email protected]


Donn Schaefer
Artist Teacher of Trombone
University of Utah School of Music
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