Carrying case for Trombone Stand + Music Stand?

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Carrying case for Trombone Stand + Music Stand?

Post by Strezzedoutz »

Does anyone have suggestions for a good carrying case that can fit the K&M 14990 Trombone Stand, and a Desca Presto Stand? I was thinking a tripod carrying case that is at least somewhat padded/protected and weather resistant. What are some that you use, or what are some brands/sites that you trust?
Small bore Straight: Yamaha-891z w/ Bach 7C/12C
Medium bore Trigger: Yamaha-640 w/ Bach 5GS/Yamaha 48
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Re: Carrying case for Trombone Stand + Music Stand?

Post by Posaunus »

I have one of each of these. I carry them separately in two tripod bags, since I don't always need a music stand as well as a trombone stand. Both easily carried by hand or over shoulder.

K&M 14990 — SLIK 23" Tripod bag (no padding but very sturdy and protective): ... 315&sr=8-3

Desca Presto Stand — VidPro TC-22 Padded Tripod Bag (not really heavily padded): ... way&sr=8-4

The Presto stand would fit just fine in the $7 SILK case.

For extra protection, I wrap each device in a microfiber dish drying mat like the following: ... =14092791 except that I buy my mats for a $1.00-$2.00 at the local dollar store.
These mats serve the dual purpose of sitting on the floor adjacent to my trombone stand to collect and absorb effluent from the trombone water valve - keeps the floor clean and dry near my feet!

Problem solved for less than 20 bucks!

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Re: Carrying case for Trombone Stand + Music Stand?

Post by Mv2541 »

A bag made for lacrosse sticks will the right shape and probably locally available.
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Re: Carrying case for Trombone Stand + Music Stand?

Post by afugate »

Not directly on topic, since you didn't mention music. But I thought I'd mention this for others.

I carry a trombone stand, a microphone stand plus iPad holder, and a 12.9" iPad pro to gigs. I just found a used Prince tennis bag that is perfect for this.

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Re: Carrying case for Trombone Stand + Music Stand?

Post by Kbiggs »

I use a wheeled duffle bag. It holds my trombone stand, Hercules stand, mutes, stand light, an extra coat... almost anything I need for a gig except the horn.
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Re: Carrying case for Trombone Stand + Music Stand?

Post by whitbey »

A trombone gig back works great.

Need something lighter? A pbone case is a good carry bag. My pbone case holds the fishing rods.
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Re: Carrying case for Trombone Stand + Music Stand?

Post by SimmonsTrombone »

I found a wheeled duffel bag at a thrift store for $1.50. It carries trombone stand, tuba stand, music stand, folders for trombone and tuba, lubes, rags, etc. it advertises Marlboro cigarettes, so it’s a micro-aggression to some, I suppose, but for the price, I don’t care.
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