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Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 10:06 pm
by ttf_PsychedelicFuzz
Kai Winding...vastly underrated imho.
in person my first college teacher, Dave Butler's flexibility and mellow sound left a lasting impact on my notions of what jazz trombonists can and can't do.
and Ron Wilkins, for playing alto, tenor, bass, venturing up into the squeal register and blowing the multiphonics like it was nothing...and doing his best to convince me I could too.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 10:24 pm
by ttf_CaptainBone
Yeah, I forgot good 'ol Ron... probably because I see him on a regular basis
He's convinced me I can squeal, but the multiphonics are coming slowly...
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 6:56 am
by ttf_BillyB
Jazz trombonists- there have been so many mentioned, all great- Lately my favorites would be Andy Martin and Scott Whitfield... if you haven't heard Scott look him up! He just moved to LA. I was fortunate enough to study with him for a while at UNF in Jacksonville- he does things on the horn I've never heard anybody do.
Classical trombonist- It was Christian Lindberg... I got to perform with him with the Southern Mississippi Wind Ensemble a few years ago- master technician, amazing. Then I heard Joe Alessi- no contest. Joe's musicality puts Christian down a few pegs, in my book, plus he understands jazz... I asked Christian if he ever played jazz and he looked at me like I was from Mars. Jazz is not THE ONLY kind of music, but so many classical players are afraid of it... Joe doesn't improvise on any recordings I've heard, but he does understand jazz style, as evidenced by the medley of tunes on his Slide Area CD and others.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 7:47 am
by ttf_anonymous
Bill Harris
Bobby Byrne {Random order}
Tommy Dorsey
Abe Lincoln
Dick Nash
Lloyd Uylate
Joe Howard
Billy Rausch
Urbie Green
Bob Flannigan
Carl Fontana
Bobby Burgess
Ray Sims
Rick Simerly
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 10:26 pm
by ttf_Andrew
I skimmed through most of the pages, and remembered a lot of players that I had forgotten. So, first off: thanks everybody!
In thinking of mine, I had to think about those that literally made me stop what I was doing and listen. So... here goes...
J.J. Johnson
Frank Rosolino
Fred Wesley
Carl Fontana
Albert Mangelsdorff
Urbie Green
Steve Davis
Josh Roseman
James Pankow
I keep thinking that there's more. But these guys really bended an ear.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 12:40 pm
by ttf_anonymous
My favorite is that guy on American Pie 2. What a beautiful tone!
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 2:41 pm
by ttf_CaptainBone
Which guy... the one that actually was supposed to be at the camp or the one that was just visiting... they had, shall we say, differing syles...
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 3:30 pm
by ttf_slideride
Paul Rutherford...
have i mentioned this before???
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 7:24 pm
by ttf_trejp
can't really come up with only one favorite. i admire different aspects of several bone players
tone - tommy dorsey
jazz technic - bill watrous
impact on the way people see the trombone- jj
virtuosity - alain trudel
and many more .... honorable mention to urbie green, curtis fuller , christian lindberg........
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 5:16 am
by ttf_anonymous
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 8:37 am
by ttf_anonymous
I'd have to say JJ, Kai, Frank Rosolino or Alessi. Got to take a lesson with Alessi a couple of years ago. Wonderful teacher as well, nice person too.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 5:53 pm
by ttf_anonymous
I have been learning a lot from Juan Pablo Torres, here in Miami. I like his original approach to playing and the creativity in his music. Love the fact that he is improving daily in conception and tone eventhough he is 58 years of age.
I would love to meet Alain Trudel. Also, I find Luis Bonilla to be a tremendous talent.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 6:26 pm
by ttf_alby_t-bone
Wycliffe Gordon ---- very very inventive

I'm very suprised this guy has not been mentioned more through this post!!
Joe Alessi --- his tone is just ... yeah...woo
Bill Watrous---smooth and the model for white jazz trombone players

----reminds me of Conrad Herwig's sound which I like as well
JJ Johnson --- freak of nature
Rosolino -- duh... of course
Bart Van Lier --very smooth cat
Slide Hampton --- the master
I'm contributiing to this post to try and make it the Most Responded to Post in the History of All Posts!! Lets put this post in the history books!!
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 9:43 am
by ttf_anonymous
Quote from: "Jean-François"In Classical: Alain Trudel(I have his records and I saw him twice live. You have to see him live to understand how good this guy is...)
Him and Alistair Kay are the only trombone soloists I've heard so far, but as far as I can tell, Alain Trudel is not human.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 9:56 pm
by ttf_ntalarico
Have to go with the overall Erling list, but I love different guys for different reasons . . . here goes in no particular order . . .
Trummy Young for guts
Jack Teagarden for personality and heart
Frank Rosolino just for fun
JJ for sound
Carl Fontana for technique
Dorsey for breath control and phrasing
J C Higginbotham for big big sound
Andy Martin for the most personal sound
Bob McChesney for being able to do that doodle tonguing thing
John Fedchock for the way he thinks about changes
Steve Turre for command of the horn
Bill Watrous for ballad playing
Slide H for that one lick he plays over and over again way up high
Jimmy Pankow because I played with him in high school
Audrey Morrison for being taken seriously and playing lead in the Chicago Jazz Ensemble
And finally Russ Phillips for not forsaking the tradition that goes back through his dad and on back to Teagarden, for playing so melodiously.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 1:44 pm
by ttf_anonymous
My listening is limited (low on $$), but from what I do hear, here's my list:
Dick Shearer
Christian Lindberg
Douglas Purviance - Bass
JJ Johnson
Kai Winding
Paul McKee
Eric Swanson - Bass
Bill Watrous
Tom Garling
Urbie Green
Wycliffe Gordon
Earlie Braggs
(I really need to buy some CDs....

Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:54 am
by ttf_bassclef
who doesn't like jj...
slide hampton - i'm a bass bonist so i like to hear guys solo on a big horn
fred wesley - fat, fat tone
douglas purviance - how he gets that sound out of a yamaha 613h is beyond me
steve turre - some of the nicest lines i've ever heard
david taylor - kind of an *** in person i've heard but he can sure blow. i love his avant-garde choice of literature
doug yeo - not my style really but his technique is flawless
and last but not least my teacher, john olsson. he never fails to blow my mind in almost every lesson i have with him. he's also a great teacher with the ability to help me break-down complex passages, concepts and techniques so i can wrap my mind around them and add them to my skill set.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:08 pm
by ttf_anonymous
This guy from New York is pretty good..Think his name is Alessi..or something like this..
Dick Nash..what a sound
Douglas Yeo..plays so wondeerfull the pieces on "Proclamation"
Branimir Slokar The first trombone CD I bought was from him..
Professor Paul Schreckenberger..The one guy from Germany..
Ian Bousfield Britain
Richard Edwards..Studiomusician rom Britain
GEORGE ROBERTS even if I am a Tenor he is great..
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:54 am
by ttf_zemry
I'm surprised that Robin Eubanks name is not mentioned more often.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:43 am
by ttf_bhower
Yeah! I've heard Robin Eubanks on Steve Turre's one4J and boy he can really play. I might be getting a lesson with him this summer actually so I'm looking forward to that!
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 7:48 pm
by ttf_anonymous
For me its all about the history of the more contemporary jazz... and JJ is that man.. he revolutionized the tone center we are refrencing all these players off of! so mellow..
But if i had to say some others.. i really like SLide hampton, Steve davis,Steve Turre, and Robin Eubanks
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:07 pm
by ttf_anonymous
I personally like Bill Watrous for his tone and amazing technique. It's amazing. I've been a fan of Alain Trudel for about two weeks ever since I saw him at MusicFest Canada, when he opened his portion of the concert with Flight Of The Bumblebee. Ian McDougall is just great to listen to, and he's an excellent teacher.
Two of my all time favorite players however are Buster Cooper and Hugh Fraser. Buster Cooper is an amazing, underrated player. I got a recording of Trombone Buster by the Ellington band, and it's one of my favorite recordings. You can just hear the energy coming from him
Hugh Fraser is my musical idol. He's a very charismatic person, and you can feel it in his playing as well. His tone isn't that great, but he more than makes up for it with his playing style. He's definetely a croud pleaser. Another thing I love about Hugh is the style of his music that he writes. Very new ideas, and I've never got sick of any of them. The only writer who I might like more (I haven't decided) is Chris Tarry (a great canadian electric bass player). I've worked with Hugh on several occasions, and it's just a great experience.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:22 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Bob Isele
Tommy Dorsey
Jack Teagarden
Miff Mole
J.C. Higginbotham
Joe "Tricky Sam" Nanton
Frank Rosolino
Lawrence Brown
Vic Dickenson
Kid Ory
Dan Barrett
Russ Phillips
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 2:22 am
by ttf_anonymous
Quote from: "Dean Hubbard"
Rick Simerly
Thanks, Dean, it took until page 7 to get to this great trombonist who happens to be "local" for me. I've gotten to know Rick during the past year and WOW! What a great player, and what a class act!
He played down here in Asheville last week, and I just couldn't believe all that he's got going on. And he never got tired, never ran out of ideas, and during the course of the night actually sounded better at the end than at the beginning, as hard as that is to imagine based on how good he sounded at the beginning of the night.
Of course, some other great players have been mentioned, but none of them live around here. Their loss!
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:28 am
by ttf_fantrombone
Bob McChesney for the technical ability but for just sheer excitement it is Michael B. Nelson of the Horn Heads.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 12:15 pm
by ttf_watermailonman
My list
Christian Lindberg (world class soloist)
Håkan Björkman (world class soloist)
Karl Frisendal
Jonas Bylund
Mikael Oskarsson
Christer Torge
Eje Thelin (soloist)
Åke Persson (favorite lead player and soloist)
Nils Landgren (soloist)
Lasse Olofsson (soloist)
Torgny Nilsson (fantastic lead player and soloist)
Ulf Johansson Werre (soloist)
Bertil Strandberg (soloist)
Bass trombone:
Sven Larsson (favorite bass trombone player)
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:53 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Bill Watrous-master balladeer-In my opinion Watrous has no peers in this area.
Bob Havens-greatly influenced by Teagarden, but his own man
Si Zentner-Most exciting trombone player I ever heard.This guy could play the trombone. Al Grey was a big fan, as were many black musicians.
Don Lusher-Impeccable all round player.
Gordon Campbell-Beautiful sound, great lead trombone player all styles-1st trombone-BBC Big Band
1st trombone-John Wilson Orchestra
Ian McDougall-beautiful sound,great all round musician.
In no particular order-living or passed.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:25 pm
by ttf_Joebone2.0
Dormant since 2004, then three entries in the last few days.
Did not wade through all of it, but gotta say the choices I saw were disappointingly mainstream. Please prove me wrong
Allow me to throw a top ten, in no particular order
Jimmy Knepper
Steve Turre
Robin Eubanks
Carl Fontana
Raul Da Souza
Jose Rodrigues
Slide Hampton
Lawrence Brown
Ray Anderson
Wycliffe Gordon
My main criterion - can you tell who it is, if you only hear a few notes, but also know that you'll hear some surprises over the course of your listening?
top 12
Albert Mangelsdorff
Ed Neumeister
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:10 am
by ttf_vegasbound
My fav bone player is my Dad- still playing at 83
If you are asking for fav players to listen too then in no order
Don Lusher
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:14 pm
by ttf_Duffle
Quote from: vegasbound on Feb 17, 2016, 01:10AMMy fav bone player is my Dad- still playing at 83
If you are asking for fav players to listen too then in no order
Don Lusher
Ah..... The Don!.....
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:41 pm
by ttf_Braving Music
Not very familiar with the orchestral players so this is my Commercial / Jazz Players list
in Alphabetical Order
All Round and Jazz
Milt Bernhart
Hoyt Bohannon
Bill Booth
Butter - Bobby Burgess
Doug Elliott
Alex Iles
Jim Huntzinger
Charlie Loper
Loren Marstellar
Andy Martin
Dick Nash
Ira Nepus
Bob Payne
Jim Pugh
Dave Steinmeyer
Lloyd Ulyate
Jazz Chops *Depth of Language not just flash
Lawrence Brown
Bennie Green
Urbie Green
Bill Harris
Conrad Herwig
JJ Johnson
Ian McDougall
Ed Neumeister
Mark Nightengale
Bob Stroup
Phil Wilson
Scott Whitfield
Bass Trombonists Top Eleven my favorites
Soul & Feel
Paul Faulise
Sharman King
Dick McQuary
Douglas Purviance
Bill Reichenbach
Billy Rogers
George Roberts
Kenny Shroyer
Bart Varsalona
CHOPS Without a Doubt !!
Phil Theele
Dave Taylor
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:28 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Teddy Roderman.I was remiss in not including the late and very great Teddy Roderman in my previous list. He was considered one of North America's finest trombonists in his heyday-1950's through 1975.He never left Toronto, but had offers from Tommy Dorsey and many other famous aggregations of that era. Teddy's bio is on the Trombone Forum.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:18 am
by ttf_Nanook
I imagine there are gems in every corner of the world that are only known by the few who are lucky enough to live in that area....We have such a player in my neck of the woods...MR HAROLD BETTERS....The man is 87 years young and still with his face on the horn...I'm going to see him perform march 17...He's my T-bone hero, please give him a listen... "It's Nice to be liked" H.B.
Short interview...greatest guy ever...
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:18 pm
by ttf_ISAB
Wycliffe Gordon is my favorite with JJ Johnson in second
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:41 pm
by ttf_Geezerhorn
Quote from: Nanook on Mar 10, 2016, 05:18AMI imagine there are gems in every corner of the world that are only known by the few who are lucky enough to live in that area....We have such a player in my neck of the woods...MR HAROLD BETTERS....The man is 87 years young and still with his face on the horn...I'm going to see him perform march 17...He's my T-bone hero, please give him a listen... "It's Nice to be liked" H.B.
Short interview...greatest guy ever...
He should have gone national and maybe even international, but I understand why he didn't want to. With every ballad I play, I try to put one of his signature moves into it as a tribute.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:46 pm
by ttf_Tbonedude
I like George Roberts, JJ Johnson, Kai Winding, Wycliffe Gordon, and a bunch more I can't remember right now. It's a wide variety so I can noodle around with their tunes depending on what note range I want to focus on. It had been mostly George when I was playing one-valve-bass-'bone, but now that I'm on lead bone and a 3BF I'm listening to JJ quite a lot. I've even been learning his solo transcriptions.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:38 am
by ttf_bigbassbone1
I could write out a huge list of people who i love listening to, playing with etc... but when it comes down to it, honestly the only player i hear who ticks EVERY box for what i recognise as great trombone playing is Alessi.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:12 pm
by ttf_largobone
I'm a Lindberg guy, hands down. His sound is so rich and absolutely unstoppable. Not to mention his alto playing, the guy makes it sound so easy!
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:37 pm
by ttf_Vintage88H
There are so many great players.
My favorites:
Alain Trudel
Michael Mulcahy
Bill Booth
Alain Trudel
Ralph Sauer
Jörgen van Rijen
Dave Taylor
Charlie Vernon
Johann Ströcker
Ben van Dijk
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:13 pm
by ttf_cb56
Jeez how do you choose? JJ? Teagarden?
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 6:30 pm
by ttf_Arrowhead99
It's really hard for me to just list one player, but I particularly like Carl Fontana during the late 60's early 70's when he was playing his Williams 6. I like the jazz party recordings - Blue Angel Jazz Club, the jazz party in Odessa album, WGJB/Dick Gibson, etc.. I like how when he was playing Dixieland/Trad Jazz he didn't try to change his style; he was still Carl! During that time period he also did the jazz for a sunday afternoon live recording w/ Rosolino which is just amazing....
Again, too many bone players to list here...
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:23 am
by ttf_TomBone4
Andy Martin for sure! Love his solos
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:58 am
by ttf_Stretch Longarm
I wish I could find more recordings of Frank Rehak - that guy could jam.
Have you ever heard Fred Wesley play jazz? Ow! He's not just king of funk.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:40 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Today--Dan Barrett-beautiful sound,extremely musical and inventive,at ease in any style from dixieland to bop.
John Allred-for the same reasons.
Yesterday. Urbie Green-The master. The trombonist's trombonist!
Si Zentner-The most exciting trombonist I ever heard in person. As a trombone player-unbeatable. Si was a favorite of Al Grey, and many other black musicians.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:02 pm
by ttf_sonicsilver
I don't think anyone has mentioned Elliot Mason yet. Superb player.
Surprised to see only a couple of votes for Ian Bousfield.
Has Toby Oft's name appeared yet?
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 4:04 pm
by ttf_Blackthorne
My two favorites right now are Mike Soprano, formerly from Streetlight Manifesto (Nadav Nirenberg is good as well, but I always thought Mike's sound was more versatile) and Josh Holcomb from Lucky Chops.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 10:07 am
by ttf_Dukesboneman
I`m in a serious Carl Fontana period right now. I just bought 10 Live Cd`s and 2 Live DVD`s of Carl.
Watrous has always been a Fav.
I played for 16 years in a R&B/Soul/Classic rock Band and did some Chicago and I wrote ssome heavily Chicago influenced horn Parts, Jimmy Pankow has a place in my Heart
Kai Winding and Al Grey are 2 more that special places for me as I got to spend a day 1 on 1 with each of them
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 9:05 am
by ttf_Nanook
Quote from: Blackthorne on May 26, 2017, 04:04PMMy two favorites right now are Mike Soprano, formerly from Streetlight Manifesto (Nadav Nirenberg is good as well, but I always thought Mike's sound was more versatile) and Josh Holcomb from Lucky Chops.
Saw Lucky Chops live with the grandkids, we love them....
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 10:11 am
by ttf_vegasbound
TD & Urbe.
Who is your favorite bone player?
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 4:29 am
by ttf_EdGrissom
Currently my favorite trombonist is a young lady named Rita Payes. She is a featured member of the Sant Andreu Jazz Band.