Quote from: Torobone on Aug 06, 2015, 08:23AMI came across this video of Jack Teagarden in Tokyo in 1958.
An excellent find with superb playing by Jack. It is a constant surprise to me that YouTube continues to supply wonderful trombone performances that I have not previously viewed. It certainly beats having to purchase the 78s, Eps, LPs, tapes, and CDs as we had to in the old days. The youngsters do not know how well off they are.
Which brings me to a video of the Chris Barber Jazz Band that I have just discovered. For those of you who do not know, Chris was a trombone-playing leader of the British Trad Boom of the late 50s and early 60s. I have often commented on this forum that Chris was originally one of the my major jazz trombone influences and it took me well over fifty years to eliminate him from my playing.

If I ever did.
Just for the nostalgia value, here is Chris with his band from a concert in France in 1964. This time was just about the end of the boom because the Beatles et al were then taking over from Trad (Traditional Jazz) as the preferred Pop music. I had made the transition to other influences - Teagarden, Trummy, Cutty Cutshall, Vic Dickenson etc. - but I still enjoyed listening to the British/European bands: As I do to this day.
Nothing to do with trombone players but this performance is also notable for the inclusion of Joe Harriott who was a Jamaican jazz saxophonist and composer, and much better known for his Free Jazz style. Definitely not a Traddy.