Quote from: BillO on Yesterday at 05:49 AMI have enough scientific background to be able to fully understand the theory and I find it a useful tool to explain the origins of species and how they adapt to their environment and ecology. However, that's me.
And I've got enough scientific background to know that I don't fully understand it, and enough to know that there are dissonances between the chemical, biological and paleontological perspectives. My current position is that I would be more surprised to find that God didn't use evolution as part of his creative process than if he did.
(And I mean dissonances in that there is stuff to be resolved.)
Quote from: BillO on Yesterday at 06:15 AMWhat's what go to do God' strategy? I'm talking about religion. Religion uses the threat of divine punishment to keep followers in line.
Strategy came from you're previous comment that God needed a new marketing firm, and I replied in that context that he was happy with his current strategy. The logical progression from marketing to clearing the prisons wasn't clear to me. And I thought we were talking about God rather than religion.
I keep forgetting that the concepts of God and Religion are probably equivalent to atheists. I'll try to keep this in mind. From our perspective the two are very distinct: God is the being who created ... whereas religion is who mankind relates to God.
Given that humans are fallible means that religion is too.
Another point of difference is that I see the bible as different from religion and people's conception of God too.
I mostly stay out of the religion discussions nowadays because there are too many differences between the what I know about down under and what's going on up there.
QuoteFrom my perspective since God does not exist, he can't have a strategy.
and he couldn't have a marketing firm either. For the sake of the discussion, I know that when you talk about God you mean the concept that other people believe in.
QuoteJust a question here about this God construct. If it is eternal and Omnipotent, why the insistence on a gender? What could gender possibly mean to such a being?
I think of God as male because the bible often describes him that way, and because I think the bible is God's revelation.
I think that God does this to express our relationship in ways that would not be difficult outside of a gender framework (eg he is our father) So its benefit is as a teaching and a relational aid rather than something that is intrinsic to his nature. So I think of God as identifying as a male to us rather than him being one. But its not the same as a person doing that.
QuoteProbably a poor choice of words on my part. I should have said religion and stipulated generalized education. However, for the bible it starts off right in Genesis 2.
Really? What does it say in Gen 2 that you think is against generalised education?
QuoteConsider also Ecclesiastes:
12 My son, beware of anything beyond these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, with[d] every secret thing, whether good or evil.
I like the 'fear of God' just to drive the point home too.
the context is learning wisdom not general education. If it was prohibiting any sort of education then no one would be able to read his words.
And I guess in your point about fearing God you are referring to religious institutions that use fear to control people.
QuoteThere are many other passages discouraging anything other than giving it all up to God, but I'm not going to list them all here.
I don't understand why you think that 'giving it all up' has anything to do with general education. I have never heard any one make that point. But I don't live in America so it may happen over there. I can think of no reason why that would be true. Down here we are encouraged to learn and prepare ourselves for whatever ministry we take on so we are able to carry out our work to the best of our ability.