Cases for convertible horns

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Cases for convertible horns

Post by Tarkus697 »

I've got my eye on a convertible horn but it doesn't come with a case. Are there cases designed for these that can store the gooseneck or am I better off looking for a small custom fit case for the gooseneck that I can just store in the accessory pocket of a normal case?
Alan W. Verostick
Philadelphia Freedom Band
Love City Horns
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Matt K
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Re: Cases for convertible horns

Post by Matt K »

I have several modular horns but I always take just the horn as I'm expecting to use it which is almost invariably with the F attachment. The older Chronkite (possibly new too) accessory pouches fit a Shires neckpipe and in the boxier of the cases would comfortably fit the bell, slide, and the additional neckpipe though I wouldn't necessarily recommend carrying it around that way just because it's still kind of loose in the case. Other cases technically have pockets and that sort of thing but they're usually on the exterior. My recommendaiton would be to find a case you like and either modify it or do as you suggest.

The older eastman cases would have room for a neckpipe under the instrument if you were to utilize some kind of styrofoam or similar support. Bach, King, and soem of the other larger cases can have foam removed from under where you'd normally rest the horn as well. I have a Protec gig bag that suspends the horn vertically and uses foam blocks to keep the bell in place... I suspect you could come up with a similar system for such a case.
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Re: Cases for convertible horns

Post by BGuttman »

There was a Bach case for the 36/42C that had a provision for the straight gooseneck (2 holes that accepted the braces). I can't take a picture of mine since I sold it :(

I have a case that originally was for the Ravel trombone (cheap Chinese) that has a pocket on the outside that can accept my Bach 36C gooseneck, though I'd be afraid it would be subject to denting since the outside pouch is soft.

I've found that I use my 36C with F much more than I use it as a straight horn, so I generally don't bother bringing the straight gooseneck with me. Incidentally, the 36C/42C braces won't let you put the counterweight on properly. Not a problem with the Open Wrap versions.
Bruce Guttman
Merrimack Valley Philharmonic Orchestra
"Almost Professional"
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