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ANNOUNCEMENT: Classified Bot

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 4:54 am
by ttf_Matt K
So funny story... in the classifieds I posted a sticky for how to have your ad deleted... basically the bot looks to see if the original poster has included the text:


In any of the messages in any given thread in the classifieds portion. 

Well, when I posted it in the classifieds section with that exact text, it decided to delete it as I forgot to exempt my own thread from being deleted   Image DOH!

Sorry about that everyone.  I'll just go ahead and keep this announcement here!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Classified Bot

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:19 am
by ttf_Matt K
Hey all, so I've been deleting stuff manually for awhile.  One of the dependencies of my bot got updated and it broke it!  It isn't a hard fix but it will take some time.  I'd have fixed it sooner but I've been in the process of moving and doing a final project for a class! Yikes! At any rate, I'm now in Salt Lake City (met a couple of forum members already too, cool scene out here!).  My class ends in a few days and I'll take a look at it then, promise!  In the meantime, keep putting those messages if something sells and I'll try to be diligent about removing it.



ANNOUNCEMENT: Classified Bot

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 2:33 pm
by ttf_Matt K
Bot is fixed, courtesy of my procrastinating on studying for my final  Image  Down to 15 pages in the classifieds  Image

Will get back with everybody that's messaged me recently very soon, very very sorry for the delay. We're finally getting settled back down and I only have a few more pieces of IKEA furniture to assemble!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Classified Bot

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 2:33 pm
by ttf_Matt K
Bot is fixed, courtesy of my procrastinating on studying for my final  Image  Down to 15 pages in the classifieds  Image

Will get back with everybody that's messaged me recently very soon, very very sorry for the delay. We're finally getting settled back down and I only have a few more pieces of IKEA furniture to assemble!