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Microtonal trombone quintet: Star Spangled Banner

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:42 pm
by AndrewMeronek
My arrangement. This performance is computer-generated using Dorico notation software. The notation is Mixed Sagittal. The "base" tuning is Pythagorean, upon which I added additional accidentals to precisely define the key signature. Sharps and flats represent specifically about 114 cents, which would be the "standard" 3-limit Pythagorean adjustments. The "straight" half-arrows that appear in the key signature and as accidentals throughout represent a change of 21 cents to specify 5-limit tuning; the "large curved" half-arrows represent a change of 27 cents to specify a 7-limit tuning; and the "small curved" half-arrows represent a change of 6 cents to specify an interval that adds both 5-limit and 7-limit alterations. In a nutshell, all that means that those adjustments will get you in tune according to the intended harmonic relationships, and it should sound pretty and beatless.

This video performance is obviously stilted as only a computer can be, but all things considered, not too shabby. And perhaps (I hope!) a useful reference for anyone who wants to play this and figure out the tuning stuff. Let me know if you're interested! I'd love to get a good live recording by real humans. :biggrin:

Re: Microtonal trombone quintet: Star Spangled Banner

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:01 pm
by Kingfan
I like it! I would love to hear it done by real trombones as well. I gotta ask about the last note in the first trombone part - my reading of clefs other than bass is very rusty, but it looks like G an octave and a fourth above middle C. Is that right???? When I was playing tenor trombone regularly, I could hit the D below that on a good day, and only once.

Re: Microtonal trombone quintet: Star Spangled Banner

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:18 pm
by AndrewMeronek
Kingfan wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:01 pm I like it! I would love to hear it done by real trombones as well. I gotta ask about the last note in the first trombone part - my reading of clefs other than bass is very rusty, but it looks like G an octave and a fourth above middle C. Is that right???? When I was playing tenor trombone regularly, I could hit the D below that on a good day, and only once.
Yeah, that's right. Gotta go for the pyrotechnics.

Technically, those last 2 bars aren't really necessary. If no one can play that G, it works fine ending on the downbeat of the penultimate bar.

That ending is just there to add drama.

Re: Microtonal trombone quintet: Star Spangled Banner

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:14 pm
by harrisonreed
Nooooo, why are the rhythms wrong? The dotted eighth-sixteenth is crying in a shallow grave.

But I still would want to play this arrangement.

Re: Microtonal trombone quintet: Star Spangled Banner

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:14 am
by AndrewMeronek
harrisonreed wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:14 pm Nooooo, why are the rhythms wrong? The dotted eighth-sixteenth is crying in a shallow grave.

But I still would want to play this arrangement.
We don't have to obey the quirks of the "official" arrangement as used in the military. :wink:

Re: Microtonal trombone quintet: Star Spangled Banner

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:51 am
by Digidog
Really cool!

Nice arrangement.

It's interesting to notice that the computer couldn't play that last G, since it obviously thinks it's out of range.

Well: I've been confined at home for almost two weeks now with flu-like symptoms that may, or may not, be a Corona infection. It's been VERY tough not to practice for this long.....(not to speak of all cancelled gigs).

Stay safe! Whatever I have, and have had, it's been a tough infection and I don't wish anyone to have the same. I hope I'll be out of it soon since I feel I'm on the way to recovery.

Re: Microtonal trombone quintet: Star Spangled Banner

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 5:35 pm
by AndrewMeronek
Digidog wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:51 am Really cool!

Nice arrangement.

It's interesting to notice that the computer couldn't play that last G, since it obviously thinks it's out of range.
Yup. Overall, the sound output is pretty impressive for a computer, and technically Dorico does allow performance output tweaks if I really wanted to spend a lot of time making it sound more "real". But, I'd rather just get an actual real performance than spend that time. What's already there is certainly good enough for reference.
Well: I've been confined at home for almost two weeks now with flu-like symptoms that may, or may not, be a Corona infection. It's been VERY tough not to practice for this long.....(not to speak of all cancelled gigs).

Stay safe! Whatever I have, and have had, it's been a tough infection and I don't wish anyone to have the same. I hope I'll be out of it soon since I feel I'm on the way to recovery.
I've been fine - I hope you're feeling better by now! :amazed: