Picked up this Anvil flight case yesterday. This beast weighs over 45lbs empty (and it didn't come with wheels)! Bottom section is 9.5"H x 38.5"W x 13"D and this lid is 6.5"H. The padded interior is currently set up for a closed wrap, single-valve bass trombone.
The plan:
After the interior padding is removed, I'll add recessed wheels to one side of the bottom section.
The interior will be replaced so that a (max)10" bass bell section and a 8.5" lg bore tenor bell section will fit side-by-side. As you can tell from the photo, there's plenty of room for both bell sections in the bottom compartment. Even though my Olds P-24G has only a 9" bell, I will be future-proofing the case in the event I get a bass with a bigger bell (and open-wrap tubing) down the road. In between the bell sections I'll have a covered compartment with a snap closure for accessories (mouthpieces, etc).
The lid is deep enough that I can set it up to store at least 3 slides in vertical cushioned slots. I'll most likely include a few small slots in the lid to store 1 or 2 leadpipes and an extra attachment tuning slide.
I'll be posting photos as I make progress. If you've tackled this kind of project before, please post any tips or 'dangers' you've encountered.