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Trilling on Sackbut
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:55 am
by barclem
I’m a beginner of playing sackbut (Model Hainlein made by Bosc) and I’m looking a method to play trills with toungouze and not slide. Actually I play tem with the slide : is that the right way ?
Re: Trilling on Sackbut
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 2:59 am
by BGuttman
Moved this to its own topic.
Note that you use the lips to trill and not the tongue. The process is not different from trombone, but the style used in Renaissance music may be different.
Re: Trilling on Sackbut
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 4:07 am
by Doug Elliott
Well I use the tongue, not the lips. Like saying Yayayayaya to go between two harmonics.
I have also seen players use the slide, glissing between a half step.
I don't know what's historically "correct."
Re: Trilling on Sackbut
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 4:12 am
by LeTromboniste
Depends on the repertoire. In 18th century music cadential trills are everywhere and we would typically do "lip slurs" (which as Doug points out, actually do involve the tongue, just not as a means of articulation). But in a lot of earlier répertoire we don't really do them, with other cadential ornaments being preferred like the various forms of "groppo", the "trillo", etc, which on trombone are done using the slide and/or tongue.