I have a concert band solo playing tenor trombone - any recommendations on what I should play?

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I have a concert band solo playing tenor trombone - any recommendations on what I should play?

Post by CharsleyTheParsley »

The band teacher gave me some rules to go by when looking for pieces -
-it needs to be level 2-3.5 for the band (preferably level 3.5-4.5 for the soloist part)
-it needs to be 3.5-5.5 minutes long
-it needs to have a whole band accompanying the solo in the score
-it needs to be not expensive

I’m super excited to perform this, and I have a few ideas because I’ve been researching, but who knows, maybe you guys have the perfect piece in mind! :good:
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Re: I have a concert band solo playing tenor trombone - any recommendations on what I should play?

Post by BGuttman »

I moved this to Performance because I think you'll get more responses here.

First, how much time do you have to prepare the solo?

I'm not sure what your grade system is, but I like to play the old "Concert in the Park" solos. Many of them are free on BandMusicPDF.org.

Some of my favorites are:

Clay Smith: The Satellite
DeLuca: Beautiful Colorado (also makes a great euphonium solo)
Pryor: Thoughts of Love (it's easier than "Blue Bells of Scotland")
Harlow (probably Henry Fillmore pseudonym): The Wanderer

If you can read transposed treble (tenor clef) you can branch out into some trumpet solos.

Browse the site and see what you can find. The best part is that all the stuff there is FREE.
Bruce Guttman
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Re: I have a concert band solo playing tenor trombone - any recommendations on what I should play?

Post by BGuttman »

I am surprised nobody has offered more suggestions for CharleytheParsley. There has to be some other pieces he can consider, and we should give him at least a couple of months to start working on it.
Bruce Guttman
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Re: I have a concert band solo playing tenor trombone - any recommendations on what I should play?

Post by harrisonreed »

Sång till Lotta (Jan Sandstrom)
Rimsky-Korsakov Trombone concerto (Mvt 2 and 3 to hit your time limit)
A Christian Song (Jan Sandstrom)
Thoughts of Love (Arthur Pryor)
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Re: I have a concert band solo playing tenor trombone - any recommendations on what I should play?

Post by Vegasbound »

Pick a good ballad, people love tunes!
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Re: I have a concert band solo playing tenor trombone - any recommendations on what I should play?

Post by Mikebmiller »

Late response , but check out Reflective Mood by Sammy Nestico. I played it with my community band a few years back. It’s a jazzy ballad that gives you a chance to really show you legato chops. Look up Scott Hartman playing it on YT.
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