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False Glissando on trombone

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:26 pm
by PiccoloTrombonist1
First off - sorry if this is the wrong category to post this in, i'm new here.
Ive been playing piano pieces as trombone solos while practicing (just for general practice or whenever i want to play a song where no one has composed a trombone solo), and many of them have false glissandos. Especially for piano (since every note is articulated) this creates a very unique sound. Is there any way i could achieve something similar on trombone?

Re: False Glissando on trombone

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:30 pm
by WilliamLang
you can multiple tongue while glissando-ing and see if that gets close - you don't even have to hit every note or anything, just kinda fall and articulate as fast as possible. flutter tongue could also be a substitute option.

Re: False Glissando on trombone

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:05 pm
by harrisonreed
Flail your f attachment valve while doing a rip to the note where the gliss ends. Doesn't work on piccolo trombone or for digital beings.

Re: False Glissando on trombone

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 5:37 am
by baileyman
Could be a challenge to gliss all the white notes or the black notes as needed.

Re: False Glissando on trombone

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:27 am
by Doug Elliott
Sounds like a glissando self image problem if your glissandos aren't true enough for your taste. Personally I've never wondered if my glissandos were true or false. Maybe Lassus Trombone is an exception, it seems to be false now. Maybe you should try it on your piccolo trombone and see. Just not in public .

Re: False Glissando on trombone

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 8:05 am
by imsevimse
If you want something close to a piano glissando?
1. You could play chromatics very fast with a legato articulation. There are many trix for fast articulation. You could double tounge or tripple tounge or you have to invent something yourself
2. You could do a "rip" (move slide outwards as you force notes higher), up to a note or the opposite down to a note.

Variants of glisses
3. Use "flatterzunge" during a gliss.
4. Use "growl" as an effect during a gliss.


Re: False Glissando on trombone

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 2:02 pm
by stewbones43
There is a trick way of playing the Bb major scale, starting on :bassclef: :space5: and going up. The slide positions are 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7. Played fast it would give you the effect of running the back of your finger (finger nail) up the 8 notes of the scale. Experimenting with this technique might provide other alternatives. You don't need to tongue any of the notes as they are all across the breaks. It also works the opposite way but high Bb on 7th is noy an easy note to start on!

