Matilda Book

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Matilda Book

Post by fsgazda »

So I'm just starting a local run of "Matilda". We are using the U.K. tour book. It's a tenor/bass double, and while not particularly technically difficult or rhythmically challenging, the range is extreme. 3 octaves and a 7th, from Pedal E to high D. There is a LOT of low bass trombone stuff, not technical, but a lot of oom pah stuff going down to pedal G. I'm playing it on my large tenor and bass. Mutes are straight only for each.

Just FYI for anyone who has it coming up.
Frank S. Gazda
Professor of Music, Delaware State University
Freelance Low Brass, Mid-Atlantic
Posts: 1588
Joined: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:32 pm

Re: Matilda Book

Post by WGWTR180 »

I opened the National Tour of this show a few years back. The bass trombone range sounds challenging and one does need to know how to actually play bass trombone. But the pedal E is lightly played at a soft dynamic so no worries about blowing down the walls. It’s fun but not the most difficult to play. Good sound and good intonation. A standard for anything we perform. Have fun!
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