How does your Orchestra store their section mutes?

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How does your Orchestra store their section mutes?

Post by SamBTbrn »

Hello everyone.

For those who work in an orchestra or are involved with the storage and transportation of a trombone section's collection of mutes, how does your orchestra store them?

The orchestra I work for is buying a whole new set of mutes (straight, cup, harmon, bucket) for us and we are looking at the different options of how to best build a flight case or transportable cupboard for them.

If anyone can take pictures of how the internals of your flight case looks, for some "best practices" insperation to keep them from being damaged, I would greatly appreciate it.

I was thinking about the case having different levels of draws that pull out for each mute type, but I have also heard of stackable layers that you lift out of the flight case.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: How does your Orchestra store their section mutes?

Post by CalgaryTbone »

That sounds like a dream! Our orchestra doesn't travel that much, but when we did some touring in N. America and Europe 20years ago or more, we just put our mutes (our own - not provided by the orch.) into the Trombone travel trunk. We placed them into a small bag with a zipper closure, and maybe threw a little bubble wrap or foam into the bag to protect against things shifting in transit. They travelled fairly well that way.

Jim Scott
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