Robert Elkjer quartets
Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 10:44 am
If you like to play trombone quartets and you're not familiar those by Robert Elkjer, I recommend getting them. If you're not a snooty purist, you'll probably have fun. Audiences always love them. Always interesting, always fun, always challenging, and they always sound good. He does classical, jazz, holiday, patriotic, and even pop tunes.
Bob is a great guy. He's a piano player who for some reason loves writing for brass, and especially trombone. I dunno, just a personality defect, I guess. LOL!
But we get some fun stuff from his trombone fetish. 
Here's his version of St. Thomas, which is fun to play as fast as you can.
Bob is a great guy. He's a piano player who for some reason loves writing for brass, and especially trombone. I dunno, just a personality defect, I guess. LOL!

Here's his version of St. Thomas, which is fun to play as fast as you can.