Pulcinella (Vivo) Performance Practice

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Pulcinella (Vivo) Performance Practice

Post by yyztbn13 »

Hey y’all

Excited to have found this new community. Lots of good stuff on here!

I’m currently preparing the Pulcinella (Vivo) Excerpt for a low-pressure mock audition, but I am curious in what some of the performance practices are for an audition setting. Any tips?

I suppose some of my more specific questions pertain to the repeat/rests— is it standard performance practice to take the repeat in an audition? Or to count all of the 6 and 7 measure blocks of rest?
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Re: Pulcinella (Vivo) Performance Practice

Post by CalgaryTbone »

In a professional audition, the parts would most likely specify which repeats are good and which are not. As far as rests, usually short rests are measured (counted) and longer ones are not. I would probably not count those rests, but I would stop for a brief moment before going on. If this is just a mock audition with friends, I would probably tell them before hand if I was planning to take the repeats or not.

Jim Scott
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Re: Pulcinella (Vivo) Performance Practice

Post by brassmedic »

If there are more than 2 measures rest, it's standard practice to count one measure of rest and then continue with the excerpt. If I were on an audition committee and someone counted 7 measures of rest, I would be annoyed.

You should always play exactly what is written (with the exception of the aforementioned rests), so repeats should be observed, but usually the audition committee would clarify and/or mark the music to make it clear.
Brad Close Brass Instruments - brassmedic.com
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