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Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:03 am
by JoshE
Hey everybody, I've been playing in a pit of late that uses headphones/monitors. Trouble is there isn't much space between my head and my Olds R20 because the slide is so narrow. Are there any recommendations for a set of open backed headphones that I can wear comfortably without hitting my horn? I'd rather stay away from IEMs if possible. Thanks in advance!
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:22 am
by NotSkilledHere
I was about to say IEM's but you want open-backs. I think the slimmest decent headphones openback that I could recommend would be the Sennheiser 600 series. Personally, I would recommend the original Sennheiser 600 if you can find some, or the Drop Sennheiser 6XX or the Sennheiser 660S2. the 600 is very well acclaimed in the audiophile space and the 6XX has been welcomed with very warm response. The 660S2 has been decently received but has more bass than the rest of the lineup, which some people like and others do not. I'm not sure off the top of my head of any other slimmer headphones. I'm sure they are out there.
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:47 am
by Doug Elliott
I use Etymotics and don't insert them all the way so you can still hear acoustically.
I also have a one sided headphone, don't remember the brand. It's not great quality but does the job. Both channels in one side.
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:55 am
by AnthonyGTrombone
Audeze used to make a lineup of IEMs that were open back.
They sound decent but in my experience pits were way to loud between the acoustic sound, plus the track.
I think those iems would be better for doing a recording alone in a booth.
Otherwise I agree with the earlier poster talking about the HD600. There may be slimmer but if the HD600 doesn't work it's possible it will be a goose chase.
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:58 am
by harrisonreed
Koss Porta Pro. Bonus with them is that, in addition to being very small, they put the pressure above your ears, not on them. ... keblbAL14Z
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:17 am
by Burgerbob
HD600 are far too big for most of my trombones, FWIW. Open back also means you have to CRANK the volume if there are loud things nearby.
I use IEMs with foam tips, not totally isolating but plenty of click.
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 5:02 pm
by BrassSection
I can’t play with both ears plugged with my IEMs. Use one in my left ear only, adjust my controls so all sounds come thru left side. Close enough to the drum cage that I have all 5 drums channels turned off. Most in our band use custom fit IEMs.
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 5:12 pm
by kenkugler
I have a Beyer Dynamic DT-252 single sided headphone. It's the best sounding I've found so far. ... B003Y5A2JM
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:22 am
by JoshE
Thanks for the recommendations! I think I'll give IEMs a try. I like the idea of experimenting with partially inserting them and using foam tips.
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:49 am
by Ackley
I’ve played in a pit with my trombone and had a similar issue. I ended up using the Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro, and they worked perfectly. They’re lightweight, open back, and didn’t get in the way of my slide. The sound is great for monitoring, and they’re comfortable enough for long sessions. Definitely worth considering! I actually found a great deal on them at this
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 8:21 am
by ssking2b
I also have a Beyer Dynamic DT-252 single sided headphone. It's the best sounding I've found so far. I use it in the pit, and in the studio.
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 9:10 am
by tbdana
In the pit I use IEMs with only my right ear, and I leave my left ear open. I also have a set of headphones with only one ear, but I don't use those anymore because they're so clunky compared to the IEMs.
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 9:27 am
by JLivi
I'm not sure if you don't like IEMs because you prefer to hear more ambient noise, or you don't hear enough of yourself, but one thing I use is a monitor headphone amp which allows you to turn yourself up in your ears without affection the PA Mix.
I don't use this in a pit situation, but it's definitely easier to have my monitor mix one way and then adjust my personal volume throughout the performance. But it's worth mentioning that that the reason I use it is because the trumpet player and I are on the same channel, and it's a way for me to separate us. ... -amplifier
Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 12:23 pm
by tbdana
JLivi wrote: ↑Thu Nov 14, 2024 9:27 am
I'm not sure if you don't like IEMs because you prefer to hear more ambient noise, or you don't hear enough of yourself, but one thing I use is a monitor headphone amp which allows you to turn yourself up in your ears without affection the PA Mix.
One great thing about the pit I'm currently playing in is that we each have our own box where we can control the mix to some degree. It really comes in handy. I don't know if that's something available to purchase, but my guess is it probably requires special equipment from the mixing board. But if it's available to anyone, I'd definitely go for that. It's really good. You can turn up the strings and the bass, and turn that insufferable trumpet player completely off.

Re: Headphone recommendations for pit
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 2:27 pm
by JLivi
tbdana wrote: ↑Thu Nov 14, 2024 12:23 pm
One great thing about the pit I'm currently playing in is that we each have our own box where we can control the mix to some degree. It really comes in handy. I don't know if that's something available to purchase, but my guess is it probably requires special equipment from the mixing board. But if it's available to anyone, I'd definitely go for that. It's really good. You can turn up the strings and the bass, and turn that insufferable trumpet player completely off.
Yeah, we also use a Behringer p16 personal mixer. I use the "more me" behringer box on top of using that. Being able to manage your own mix from you seat is great!