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Hello from Alexandria, Virginia!

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 5:02 pm
by phalverson
New member here, looking forward to engaging with the TC community. I've picked up the trombone after a forty-some year hiatus. When I was in school I played in the usual groups (marching band, wind ensemble, jazz ensemble), kept at it until partway through college when I pivoted to focus on vocal performance, and, in the last few years, bass guitar. Only recently did I start playing trombone again, only this time with a ska-punk rock band -- very different vibe!

I'm currently working on getting my chops back, as well as improving my improv skills. I was never much of a lead player before, but now I'm really enjoying it. I found a great used Jupiter XO tenor that sings like a bird, great for playing in the upper ledger lines :tenorclef: , with my old student Yamaha 643 F-horn for the lower end :bassclef: .

One of the reasons I joined this board was to find an instructor, hoping I can get some good recommendations for teachers in the Washington DC / Northern Virginia area who can help a middle-aged duffer learn how to rock, as well as suggestions for opportunities to play. And just some general low-end camaraderie. Trombone players can do it in 7 positions!