And who in their right mind chooses ANY mouthpiece? Plus how to choose, as well.
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:25 am
In the long-running thread "Who in their right mind plays a Bach 1 1/2G ?? ", Horn Builder recently posted this comment:
Quote from: Horn Builder on Sep 03, 2007, 06:52PMG'day all,
I find it interesting that people have this "rose coloured glasses" view of NY and Mt Vernon Bach product. That they are the "Holy Grail".
That contrasts with the widely help belief that, as stated by Sam Burtis, and echoed by many others, "if you want a custom mounthpiece, line up a dozen Bach's and find the one you like". Sam, I believe, was talking about the Mt Vernon and early Elkhart era. Consistency was not something that was a big selling point for Bach in those days. The way the pieces were made didn't allow for anything like the consistency achieved today with CNC lathes, as used by almost every mouthpiece maker out there, including Bach.
When I was at the shop last week I was shown the safe that holds all the mouthpieces, hand selected by Mr Bach himself, that represent "exactly" what each of the models was supposed to be like, according to Mr Bach. Each of those pieces was digitised and that info was used to program the CNC machines that now cut Bach mouthpieces. The consistency of Bachs mouthpieces today is better than it ever has been, due to the method that they are produced.
But there-in lies the rub. Each one of the "perfect" mouthpieces, which has then been copied hundreds of times over, wasn't one that Chris (and others like him) think are the "very special indeed" mouthpieces. If only Mr Bach had chosen one of those...
This got me to thinking, and since I have just been through a summer where I once again went through another level of playing/equipment/idiom/you-name-it and made a certain sort of playing breakthrough...only to once again end up on the same NY Bach m'pces that I was using BEFORE the change...I thought that I would make a post that tries to explain how and why I...and apparently a WHOLE BUNCH of other pretty good players, on other brass instruments as well...seem to keep coming back to early Bach m'pces.
I don't know about these "rose colored glasses" idea...but I personally have used the darkest glasses possible in finding my choice of m'pces. For almost 30 years, I have chosen m'pces blindfolded.
Well...blind, anyway.
And the better I have become as a player...still growing after all these years, thank whatever rules this dimension in which we all live...the more often the m'pce that came up at the end of a choosing session has been a NY Bach.
Because they are centrist m'pces. That's the best short answer that I have been able to come up with, anyway. That is, they do a combination of everything that I want to do better than any others. Sound first, plus all ranges, flexibility, all volumes and tonguing/attacks. And rim comfort as well. main area of trombonistic expertise lies in playing .525-ish and .500/.509-ish tenor trombones in American idioms. Jazz, latin, B'way, know. That stuff. And over the years I have fairly well settled into a preference for 6 1/2 AL-ish equipment on the .525 horns and 11C-ish equipment on the smaller ones. I LOVE the way a good 12C plays and sounds as well and have tried and tried again to play them on smaller horns, but I have never been able to manage to get a good, smooth connection down into the range below say 4th partial G on one, and as an improviser my baseline rule in choosing a m'pce is that I must be able to smoothly negotiate all of the ranges on it that I want to use as a soloist. So until I figure out how to do that on a 12C rim or have one made that has an 11C-ish rim but plays JUST like my great NY 12C, I'm 11C player on small horns. I do keep trying 12C-ish m'pces, though. Y'never know...
I have assembled a pretty good collection of m'pces in the 6 1/2AL, 11C and 12C ranges in the process. I had a BUNCH of 6 1/2AL-ish ones made and/or altered from stock originals over the years, and have collected a lot of 11C/12C sized m'pces as well. I gave up on the custom/customizing m'pce route. Too expensive and too imprecise. Since absolutely NO one seems to have ever really codified what makes a m'pce work, custom m'pce design resembles a collaboration on a sculpture between two blind men. Always working in the dark, always working on feel. I have found it better...and much less expensive, as find the general area of m'pce that I like, try many, many of them, choose a few and then leave the really fine adjustments to the soft machine.
To me.
After all...most really fine m'pces that are chosen by a number of fine players are a result of a kind of informal survey that was taken by the maker. Good players X, Y, and Z etc. have m'pces made for them, a general consensus begins to arise, and sooner or later...if the manufacturer is good, of ya go, here's the 6 1/2AL. And so on.
So anyway...there I am, say with a new horn or having not played a particular sized horn for a while or having just altered one of my horns in some way...leadpipe, plating, tuning slide, whatever...and I want to see if a little m'pce change might do some good.
Or...I have changed something about the way I am practicing and playing, reached a breakthrough of some kind and I am curious to see if another m'pce might help.
Whatever the reason, this seems to happen to me a couple of times a year.
And on the table in front of me are all the likely suspects I can round up.
About 10 or 12 m'pces in the 6 1/2AL or 11C/12C class. All with some plumber's tape on them so they fit into my slightly widened leadpipe receivers to the approximate depth that I generally like.
I close my eyes, jumble them all around and commence playing them.
Pretty soon, several have de-recommended themselves. Too stuffy, usually. Then another few. Not right in the high range, not right in the low range. Then one or two more. Sound. Then there are three. Or maybe four. And I start to get a little creative.
As in...which one MAKES ME PLAY?
On which one do I hear the best?
And invariably...and I do mean ALWAYS, at least over the past several years...the survivors are the Mt. Vernon and NY Bachs, and the winners are the NY models.
Go figure.
Why the NYs over the Mt. Vernons?
They seem to deal with volume better, and they are more open. They are also a little less "refined", to some degree. I have to be the one that is refined. This is a small drawback...the Mt. Vernons are such beautiful singers...but like all beautiful singers, they do not belt as well. And I am a boxer/puncher, to mix metaphors. I have to be able to do both, and I can box on the NYs when I take care of my chops (read...practice correctly) but I cannot punch with the same power on the Mt. Vernons no matter in what shape I may be.
So there I am...blindfold test after blindfold test, several times a year for any number of years.
Playing NY Bachs.
Now...I try every damned m'pce I can get my hands on. I try ones that I hear in a rehearsal or gig; I try them at conventions and in stores. But I only buy the ones that immediately recommend themselves to me. There are precious few of them, and those that I have bought...other than Mt. Vernon and especially NY Bachs in approximately the right sizes, which I will generally buy sight unseen if I have the money and they are in good shape...always seem to disappoint in blind competition with my Bachs.
So it goes.
Now you may well say that I have so thoroughly trained myself to play those Bachs that I am incapable of appreciating other m'pces. And that may well be the case. Y'pays yer money...and of course y'spends yer time...and y'takes yer chances.
Or it MAY well be that Mr. Bach was a m'pce designing genius who found himself in a period of time and in a place... pre-WW II NYC...where brass playing was in a sort of golden age. Before mics became the predominant influence in the production and dissemination of musical sound. And in the same place but another time...the Mt. Vernon era, post-W.W. II...where ANOTHER golden age occurred. The studio scene. And he listened to great player after great player after great player, took their suggestions and preferences and created great all-around m'pces.
I try to live as much as I possibly can live in a pre-mic world myself.
Hell, except for research purposes I do not even much listen to recorded music anymore. It's like eating canned peas, even the BEST of it. After sitting in a room with the best of the best here in NYC? Fuggedaboudit. It sounds like gruel. Even on the BEST of systems. CDs worse than vinyl, digital worse that tube systems, ALL of them worse than the real thing.
And I choose NY Bach m'pces in blindfold tests.
Hmmmmm... I saying that YOU should choose NY Bachs?
Of course not.
But I AM saying that you should choose your equipment...all of much as possible in blind tests. And no matter HOW odd the results may be...go with them. Give ANY result the benefit of several weeks of concentrated effort.
You be bettah off.
Bet on it.
The truth lies in your ears, in your body and in your soul. In instances like this the mind is only good for primitive mathematical equations. It is a critic, not a creator.
Go for it.
Youll be glad you did.
At least...I'm glad that I did.
Quote from: Horn Builder on Sep 03, 2007, 06:52PMG'day all,
I find it interesting that people have this "rose coloured glasses" view of NY and Mt Vernon Bach product. That they are the "Holy Grail".
That contrasts with the widely help belief that, as stated by Sam Burtis, and echoed by many others, "if you want a custom mounthpiece, line up a dozen Bach's and find the one you like". Sam, I believe, was talking about the Mt Vernon and early Elkhart era. Consistency was not something that was a big selling point for Bach in those days. The way the pieces were made didn't allow for anything like the consistency achieved today with CNC lathes, as used by almost every mouthpiece maker out there, including Bach.
When I was at the shop last week I was shown the safe that holds all the mouthpieces, hand selected by Mr Bach himself, that represent "exactly" what each of the models was supposed to be like, according to Mr Bach. Each of those pieces was digitised and that info was used to program the CNC machines that now cut Bach mouthpieces. The consistency of Bachs mouthpieces today is better than it ever has been, due to the method that they are produced.
But there-in lies the rub. Each one of the "perfect" mouthpieces, which has then been copied hundreds of times over, wasn't one that Chris (and others like him) think are the "very special indeed" mouthpieces. If only Mr Bach had chosen one of those...
This got me to thinking, and since I have just been through a summer where I once again went through another level of playing/equipment/idiom/you-name-it and made a certain sort of playing breakthrough...only to once again end up on the same NY Bach m'pces that I was using BEFORE the change...I thought that I would make a post that tries to explain how and why I...and apparently a WHOLE BUNCH of other pretty good players, on other brass instruments as well...seem to keep coming back to early Bach m'pces.
I don't know about these "rose colored glasses" idea...but I personally have used the darkest glasses possible in finding my choice of m'pces. For almost 30 years, I have chosen m'pces blindfolded.
Well...blind, anyway.
And the better I have become as a player...still growing after all these years, thank whatever rules this dimension in which we all live...the more often the m'pce that came up at the end of a choosing session has been a NY Bach.
Because they are centrist m'pces. That's the best short answer that I have been able to come up with, anyway. That is, they do a combination of everything that I want to do better than any others. Sound first, plus all ranges, flexibility, all volumes and tonguing/attacks. And rim comfort as well. main area of trombonistic expertise lies in playing .525-ish and .500/.509-ish tenor trombones in American idioms. Jazz, latin, B'way, know. That stuff. And over the years I have fairly well settled into a preference for 6 1/2 AL-ish equipment on the .525 horns and 11C-ish equipment on the smaller ones. I LOVE the way a good 12C plays and sounds as well and have tried and tried again to play them on smaller horns, but I have never been able to manage to get a good, smooth connection down into the range below say 4th partial G on one, and as an improviser my baseline rule in choosing a m'pce is that I must be able to smoothly negotiate all of the ranges on it that I want to use as a soloist. So until I figure out how to do that on a 12C rim or have one made that has an 11C-ish rim but plays JUST like my great NY 12C, I'm 11C player on small horns. I do keep trying 12C-ish m'pces, though. Y'never know...
I have assembled a pretty good collection of m'pces in the 6 1/2AL, 11C and 12C ranges in the process. I had a BUNCH of 6 1/2AL-ish ones made and/or altered from stock originals over the years, and have collected a lot of 11C/12C sized m'pces as well. I gave up on the custom/customizing m'pce route. Too expensive and too imprecise. Since absolutely NO one seems to have ever really codified what makes a m'pce work, custom m'pce design resembles a collaboration on a sculpture between two blind men. Always working in the dark, always working on feel. I have found it better...and much less expensive, as find the general area of m'pce that I like, try many, many of them, choose a few and then leave the really fine adjustments to the soft machine.
To me.
After all...most really fine m'pces that are chosen by a number of fine players are a result of a kind of informal survey that was taken by the maker. Good players X, Y, and Z etc. have m'pces made for them, a general consensus begins to arise, and sooner or later...if the manufacturer is good, of ya go, here's the 6 1/2AL. And so on.
So anyway...there I am, say with a new horn or having not played a particular sized horn for a while or having just altered one of my horns in some way...leadpipe, plating, tuning slide, whatever...and I want to see if a little m'pce change might do some good.
Or...I have changed something about the way I am practicing and playing, reached a breakthrough of some kind and I am curious to see if another m'pce might help.
Whatever the reason, this seems to happen to me a couple of times a year.
And on the table in front of me are all the likely suspects I can round up.
About 10 or 12 m'pces in the 6 1/2AL or 11C/12C class. All with some plumber's tape on them so they fit into my slightly widened leadpipe receivers to the approximate depth that I generally like.
I close my eyes, jumble them all around and commence playing them.
Pretty soon, several have de-recommended themselves. Too stuffy, usually. Then another few. Not right in the high range, not right in the low range. Then one or two more. Sound. Then there are three. Or maybe four. And I start to get a little creative.
As in...which one MAKES ME PLAY?
On which one do I hear the best?
And invariably...and I do mean ALWAYS, at least over the past several years...the survivors are the Mt. Vernon and NY Bachs, and the winners are the NY models.
Go figure.
Why the NYs over the Mt. Vernons?
They seem to deal with volume better, and they are more open. They are also a little less "refined", to some degree. I have to be the one that is refined. This is a small drawback...the Mt. Vernons are such beautiful singers...but like all beautiful singers, they do not belt as well. And I am a boxer/puncher, to mix metaphors. I have to be able to do both, and I can box on the NYs when I take care of my chops (read...practice correctly) but I cannot punch with the same power on the Mt. Vernons no matter in what shape I may be.
So there I am...blindfold test after blindfold test, several times a year for any number of years.
Playing NY Bachs.
Now...I try every damned m'pce I can get my hands on. I try ones that I hear in a rehearsal or gig; I try them at conventions and in stores. But I only buy the ones that immediately recommend themselves to me. There are precious few of them, and those that I have bought...other than Mt. Vernon and especially NY Bachs in approximately the right sizes, which I will generally buy sight unseen if I have the money and they are in good shape...always seem to disappoint in blind competition with my Bachs.
So it goes.
Now you may well say that I have so thoroughly trained myself to play those Bachs that I am incapable of appreciating other m'pces. And that may well be the case. Y'pays yer money...and of course y'spends yer time...and y'takes yer chances.
Or it MAY well be that Mr. Bach was a m'pce designing genius who found himself in a period of time and in a place... pre-WW II NYC...where brass playing was in a sort of golden age. Before mics became the predominant influence in the production and dissemination of musical sound. And in the same place but another time...the Mt. Vernon era, post-W.W. II...where ANOTHER golden age occurred. The studio scene. And he listened to great player after great player after great player, took their suggestions and preferences and created great all-around m'pces.
I try to live as much as I possibly can live in a pre-mic world myself.
Hell, except for research purposes I do not even much listen to recorded music anymore. It's like eating canned peas, even the BEST of it. After sitting in a room with the best of the best here in NYC? Fuggedaboudit. It sounds like gruel. Even on the BEST of systems. CDs worse than vinyl, digital worse that tube systems, ALL of them worse than the real thing.
And I choose NY Bach m'pces in blindfold tests.
Hmmmmm... I saying that YOU should choose NY Bachs?
Of course not.
But I AM saying that you should choose your equipment...all of much as possible in blind tests. And no matter HOW odd the results may be...go with them. Give ANY result the benefit of several weeks of concentrated effort.
You be bettah off.
Bet on it.
The truth lies in your ears, in your body and in your soul. In instances like this the mind is only good for primitive mathematical equations. It is a critic, not a creator.
Go for it.
Youll be glad you did.
At least...I'm glad that I did.