Why Can't I Log in?

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Matt K
Posts: 4423
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:34 pm

Why Can't I Log in?

Post by Matt K »

Hi All,

I've heard from a few people for whom a mass e-mail we sent out ended up in their spam filter. Long story short, if you haven't logged on starting on Friday, March 23, 2018, you are going to need to re-register. On the 23rd we did a fresh install of the software, which unfortunately meant wiping out all of the previous users.

In short, it was determined by two independent investigators that the previous site was not capable of being upgraded for a number of reasons. Check your spam filter for the details if you were on the site previously! :)

Sorry for the inconvenience, but moving forward, we have no idea how long the TTF will be down and really with the new version of phpBB, we have a lot of options to enhance the user experience and provide a long term solution to handling information.

If you're having problems, you can e-mail [email protected] or hit up the facebook group and we'll try to help you get situated!

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