A RED HERRING ????????? Dave, did you really post that ??????
What is it that controls everything you do ??? Control....that's the interesting bit..... the thing that directs us to post here, play in a group, live, laugh and love.... the bit in charge. That's the ultimate key to achievement.... the brain.
No need to shout at me, Chris. I can read your words just fine from over here.
Andrew started this topic to discuss the broad question of why embouchure mechanics aren't a subject of some study in higher education. The brain and its role in trombone playing seems to be off topic.
I'm not at all interested in playing bass trombone. I did take it seriously in school, including playing bass trombone in graduate school wind ensemble and the local orchestra as a sub. It made me a better teacher, but I've left that behind. What I wouldn't do is go into a topic here about bass trombone and advocate for tenor trombone because it's superior.
(But it is.

Dave himself was in a Master's program when things fell apart and his teacher brought him to me - because HE didn't know how to fix it.
It was a doctoral program, but who's counting.
And while the correction was conceptually easy, it did take hard work and time for it to settle in. Fortunately for me, it happened at the beginning of a summer break from graduate school, but I did have gigs and a European tour to play later in the summer. The director was pretty angry with me at the time, but I muddled through and by the time school started back up I was OK. I would have had a lot of trouble making this correction during the school year.
I had excellent teachers since high school and all the way through graduate school and beyond. But none of my teachers until Doug were able to help with this. Ideally, I would have learned this in high school, then I wouldn't have had to reach the point where I had to struggle and resolve my issues while continuing with my studies and gigs.
The catch is you can not present a sientific truth of any mythology to work, not in a format that we all agree to.
What we can agree to are the objective observations of how brass embouchures function, how they differ from player to player, and what characteristics correlate with problems. As I mentioned above, these are not difficult concepts to grasp and have been observed independently by many before.
I will try to put together a demonstration to help you understand better later, Tom.