Roy Williams

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Roy Williams

Post by CharlieB »

The great ones make it look and sound sooooo easy......
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Re: Roy Williams

Post by Grah »

Ah, Sir Roy! My absolute hero when I was playing in the UK in the late 50s and early 60s. I used to follow the Alex Welsh band all around the London clubs just to hear him play, and to try and pick up enough of his style to be able to emulate him. One of my greatest pleasures was when my band of those days, The Mike Graham Jazzmen, got to play a couple of their intervals at the Osterley Jazz Club. And later, after I came to Australia, I followed his career avidly when he became a big star in Europe. I even managed to hear him in Australia when he toured here.

My other favourite British bone player was George Chisholm and I got to hear Roy and George playing together a couple of times. Wow!

Roy is still my model for playing Dixieland/Mainstream after all of these years. By the way, we are about the same age.

(Transcribing jazz solos is fraught with difficulties because exact rhythmic notation is well-nigh impossible. So listen carefully because it's the only way to learn how to play jazz trombone so that we can return to the Golden Age.) 8-)
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